New and unsure if i have an eating disorder

this is my first post and i am not sure what to say
but i know i am not well
i just don't know if i have an eating disorder
how do i know
i will feel stupid for asking for help when my bmi is fine
i'm scared to ask for help

Hi Sweet,

You are the only one who knows your body/mind best. If you say you're not well then chances are probably aren't. NEVER feel stupid for asking for help! Post your concerns...I guarantee you will find someone who has gone through what you're going through. You are NOT alone.
Post your concerns, questions.

Hi soo glad you posted i posted a couple days ago because i took a huge step ammitting they i have an eating disorder and its a huge step to ask for help like you are doing! know your not in this alone i ask you to tell someone you love that can help you... like i told my mom and she is helping soo much! we are all here to support you
keep on keeping on
hang in there girl

well, ya, i know i have a problem. i'm just scared about getting help

yeah its super scary i totally understand im scared that if someone knew that they would think of me diffrent or they wouldnt help or no one can fix this but its a huge step to try to get help when ever you are ready who ever you tell will be proud you are asking them for help
good luck with everything

Hey All,
Sometimes getting help means...exactly what? We're not sure, which is why we're often afraid. BUT, because you're tired of feeling this "junk" inside, you reach out in hopes that there's someone else out there who understands, who can help.
Rest assured there are MANY more people with ED, BDD, etc...than you could EVER imagine. There is also SOOOO much help and support online, on the phone and in person. This is great place to start...even if you don't know exactly what you're going through the best thing to do is you feel and whether you know why you feel that way or not. Just post...get it out...put in online or on paper so it's out of your head. The idea is to get the junk out of your head, out of your soul. You'll be amazed at how relieved you'll be once you've gotten it out.
Get it out. Post.

Oh, lovey...
BMI means absolutely effing nothing. People who have more muscle are considered obese by BMI standards and CLEARLY they are not anywhere near overweight; they are so thin. It means nothing. The eating disorder is telling you that you are not sick enough. YOU know you are sick. You said it. you are unwell, and I believe that to be true. Please get help, sweetie. What is the worst that can happen? No one is going to turn you away! The worst that can happen is that YOU don't give yourself the chance to be FREE of this hell. I know you can do this. help and guidance. You are too precious to suffer with this madness- in fact, all of you are.
I am here for you.

sweet.....thank you for sharing. If you think you have a problem, you do! If this is affecting the quality of your life, you deserve to have help to recover and change the way you are coping with things. Weight is not a determination of the severity of an eating disorder, except at times when a person is severely emaciated. But someone of 'normal' weight can be literally dying from starvation also. Only a trained ED professional can truly help determine what is going on and what you need to recover.
Please seek help from a professional, hopefully one who is familiar with the complexities of eating disorders.
And please continue to share with us all here....take care..Jan ♥

thank you for all of your posts and support
i really appreciate it
i have an appointment with an eating disorder specialist today
and i'm just so nervous
i'm nervous she'll think i'm crazy for even thinking i have a problem
that i won't say the right things
that it won't be a fit for us and then i'll have no where left to turn for help
i'm just feeling SO anxious
i don't know if i can let go either
letting go and facing emotions is a huge barrier for me
i have a hard time admitting something is wrong too you know

thank you for making me feel welcome here and like i have somewhere to post my thoughts


How did your appointment go? There is no such things as saying the "right" things or people who might think you're "crazy." To some degree, we're all crazy!
Whatever it is, let it out. Feeling anxious is part of stepping out of that closet you're in. The anxiety will subside with each step you take outside of that closet.
Letting go is difficult, as we ALL have been there. You must remember that letting go is the sure fire way to free yourself from the prison in which you're in.
Facing emotions is another barrier we have all had to learn how to get through. Trust me, it's not as bad as you think it is.
Help leads to recovery. Recovery is one day at a time. One step at a time. One moment at a time. One breath at a time.