Today I went to see my psychiatrist, we had to make an emergency appointment yesterday after my moms ceramic pig collection began "talking" to me. When I told my regular dr about the voices she thought for a few days and called my mom and said she thought it was PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) but that she wanted me to see a psychiatrist. Well when i began seeing him he said i have schizoaffective disorder bipolar type, panic disorder, and agoraphobia.
Today he decided to throw in PTSD. I was raped when I was 8 and i have been having very vivid nightmares about it recently. So he changed my Abilify from 10 to 15 and gave me another drug for the nightmares. I don't remember the name but its a blood pressure med and they recently discovered it helps people who have PTSD and have nightmares and reoccuring visions of things. So hopefully everything will finally be back to normal.
The first time i was on 5 mg of Abilify, then 2 weeks later it stopped working, then i tried 10 mg of Abilify and 13 days later it stopped working. So i don't have much hope for the 15 but hey.. i'll give it a try, and if it does the same thing, guess what he said were gonna do. Try 20 mg. After that if it doesn't work I guess were gonna try something else. Hopefully the 15 works.
So thats basically my entire day! Hopefully tonight my boyfriend and I will go to the buffet and eat seafood:) my fave!!
Thanks for reading everyone, any feedback is welcome!!
Good for you & your mom getting you more assistance ASAP, so glad your willing to manage it, I hope you feel better soon & if that doesnt work keep trying something else till you feel better honey.
That is good you got help. Be patient with the meds. Many tiomes it is trial and error before the right doseage or combinations is found. Don't give up hope but continue to keep your positive attitude! That is key! Continue to update us!
Hey Amanda, Great to hear from you. I am glad to see you are getting help. Hopefully soon you can get the right combination of meds to help you feel better. That may take a little time so try to be patient. Keep sharing with us on how you are doing. We are here for you. ((((hugs))))
hey keep an eye on your symptoms, you mentioned before about getting off drugs, when I did i went into a psychosis eventually because the weed and stuff was actually keeping me stable. My old neurologist has been doing studies on this for a while, I was your age when it happened, he said it is quite common, and a large majority of people are misdiagnosed because what is really happening are minor tremors in the brain that can only be found through a brain scan and arrested with anti convulsants. Especially if you used xtc a lot. To keep it short, carbatrol, an anti seizural med is what brought me back.
Schizophrenia manifests at about your age a lot of the time, but also, drug use can damage your brain, like with me, and cause epilepsy where your seizures are hallucinations, smells, and voices, no full body seizures, so it is often overlooked.
Dizz- I don't have full blown schizophrenia. I have schizoaffective disorder bipolar type. Which means i have symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar. The symptoms of schizophrenia i have are hearing voices, seeing things that aren't there, and giving inanimate objects human characteristics like talking. The bipolar symptoms i have are feeling like i dont need sleep, feeling manic and depressive.
I am so happy that you got help so quickly Amanda and that your mom is there with you through this. I know that things will progressively get better and better for you with the medication and counseling.
I hope that you and your boyfriend had a wonderful dinner outing, as I am sure that you did. I love your positivity, that's exactly what will get you through this, keep it up!
Abilify..has worked wonders for my son he suffers from severe anxiety and some bio-polar mood swings that were extremely emotional b4 the onset of this med...i can't say enough the med really has made a difference in 3 weeks!!I'm glad your getting back on track you seem so young to have so much, thats why i reached out for my son now so, maybe when he's grown he'll b in the right place:)