New here. Not too sure how this works. My therapist moved to California five weeks ago and I have been on my own. It's been so difficult without him and urges are strong. Could really use some support. Thank you.
*hugs* , it's simply, you post and we support. I feel very sorry for what you are going through. I don't think it's a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket. I would try to create a bigger supportive basis for your situation.
One i would visit a different and very good therapist, and i would start reading self help books on how to help you get through your problems.
@xylitol Thank you for responding. I have tried different therapists and no one has worked out. Promising ones were either out of network, or not accepting new patients/clients at the moment. My psychiatrist, who I saw yesterday, spent an hour convincing me to see a therapist at his facility who I met with once and didn’t mesh with.
He thinks I’m making excuses because I’m fighting the reality that my therapist left, and that he (my psychiatrist) can’t be my therapist (he was for 3.5 years before he had to switch his schedule to med management only due to downsizing). And I kind of know he’s right.
But I just think that therapy can make one more symptomatic and I know it makes me clingy when I have the right therapist.
Sorry, this is long. Support network is something you mentioned. I don’t really have one. And my partner is going to Ireland for 6 weeks and I’ll be on my own really. I don’t know. I’m sorry. I’m very frustrated and upset.
@xylitol True. I’m just fighting reality and feeling like if I hold out my old therapist will reach out to me again or that my psychiatrist will offer to do therapy with me again. Distortions, I know, but strong ones.