New here trying to learn

I just found this site and I need a place to learn about codependency. It was just brought to my attention that I am this way and I am trying to learn about it so I can learn to control myself in this area.

I am also bipolar II and I am in outpatient therapy for the next 5 weeks. But, listening to the ladies there and speaking with a friend that I just lost to what he told me is codependency, I am in desperate need of help. I tried to go to a support group last night, but got lost and was very late so couldn't go inside. Now I have to wait until next Wednesday to attend.

Ok I need to stay out of my pity party and ask for any advice on my situation or on using this site. Just learning to post here was a step forward.

Thank you,

Hi Needtobefree, welcome to Support Groups! Thank you so much for being here with us. Can you give me a bit more insight on your recent friendship and why it ended if you don't mind. I am here to help you in any way that I can, as I understand co-dependency and have dealt with it before numerous times with friends and significant others.