Hey, after dealing with bipolar for years, and just going through one of the longest and worst manic attacks ever, I figured i'd see how other people are handling this and maybe even help. my name is Adam
hello Adam i am sorry to hear about your manic attack but it is great that you came here for support.
I have bipolar also but have not gone into a really full manic episode. Mine are bad enough to ruin my credit, cost me jobs and ruin relalationships and I will bet some of that applies to you as well.
I hope you have found a therapist and prescriber that have helped you and hopefully prevent another episode. Why not tell us a little about yourself.
Adam ~ One day at a time. I have been diagnosed and struggling with this as well and I know it's frustrating. My advice would be to surround yourself with REAL friends that are supportive and stay away from booze and drugs because I find that those make things worse. If your manic, spins ya off into mania more and if your depressed, makes you more depressed. Keep your chin up and know that your not alone;)
From Mood Disorders to Bipolar Disorder