New here

Hello, I just stumbled upon this site and thought it looked like a great group to join for giving and getting support for NHL. A little background about myself: I'm a 37 year old wife and mom of two awesome teenage boys. Last year I was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma, stage 3, grade 3. I went through R-CHOP therapy every 3 weeks x 6 cycles. After chemo I was dubbed "partial remission" with a small spot still remaining on my liver (although a little smaller than when I started), and in January I started Rituxin Maintenance for a two year stint.

Emotionally it's been quite a roller coaster ride. I'm sure you can all relate to that...

Welcome to the sight where the support is great, we all have cancer of varying degrees and types and all have a good sense of humor. Soooo tell us your story. Ups and downs are hard to manage aren't they?

Hi rascal1,
Thank you! I posted my story seperate from this thread. (I’m still feeling my way around here and how things work.) Yes, ups and downs are sometimes hard to manage but thank God I’ve had such awesome support from friends and family. I never did go to any of the support groups that the hospital provided, so talking online to people who have gone through it has also really helped.

Hi Mochadelicious,Welcome aboard.We seem to be the same grade and type although I'm "slightly"older at 55.Been at this a tad longer also.Next to Chop I found Rituxan maint.a piece of cake.Have done 10/Rituxan 40 in all not sure how many times I've done the maintenance would need to ck.Yes, this journey can be quit the uphill climb at times but, most to to make it to the top.I find our condition to be that of a chronic situation as Follicular is a little trickier to keep at bay.Always know life can still be well lived.Take care,Michele

Hi Michele-pa,
It’s good to know someone who has had lots of experience with this disease. Wow, sounds like you’ve had lots of Rituxin. So far with the two treatments I’ve had it’s been pretty smooth sailing.

I’ve come to the point where life is “almost” back to normal and the doctor visits are a little less frequent. I am mostly a positive person but of course there are times when I feel less positive. I think that just comes with the terratory.

Nice to meet you!