Hello! Last month I had my gall bladder removed. A couple days later the surgeon called to tell me he removed a piece of a normal looking lymph node from the cystic duct area & it tested positive for non hodgkins follicular lymphoma. Since then I have had a bone marrow test, blood tests and ct's. All haven't found anything more than non pathelogical lymph nodes. My oncologist has never seen a case begin where mine has & does not know what to do next. If it were totally removed i could have waited 3 months & gotten a pet scan at that time to look for changes. Any ideas or people that have had it where mine is?! It was suggested by my oncologist to go to John Hopkins next week for a second opinion.
i think second opinion would be great. that way you can feel more secure on your answer and someone else can look and examine and let u know what they think.
Very strange! Def get a second, this is very good advice from your Onc. Good luck and let us know how things turn out.
If he doesn't know what to do next find someone that does!! Have your slides sent to the medical center you go to for a second opinion so they have them to reference to. Atleast he was honest with you.
Anyone else out there w stage 1 grade 1 follicular non hodgkins??
GET A SECOND OPINION. What kind of thing is that to say to a patient that the DR. doesn't know what to do next. ooothat tiffed me off. Go, no, RUN to John Hopkins. Please
Let us know.