New to Chemo

I start chemo on Tues and have so many questions. Does anyone out there have any advice on unexpected side effects?

Lmh50, I don't have direct experience with chemo, though I am here to offer support in any way that I can. I am hoping that one of our wonderful Supporters here will give you some direct insight. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Sometimes, your taste buds can change during chemotherapy. Your sense of smell could change as well, and become very sensitive to different smells. I highly recommend the Jack Lalane juicer. My husband has used it to help get nutrition, when his taste buds are off due to chemo, or when everything smells horrible to him. He enjoys being able to get all of his fruits and veggies in a drink instead of having to sit and chew.

Helli lmh50, I am sorry you have to go through chemo. I've had 3 sessions for now, and still has got so many to come, but for the first time I had my doctor talk me into the side effects, which are a very very long list, and I think you could ask your doctor about it, and you could discuss it, and he'll prescribe you the drugs you'll need to help you deal with whatever side effects shows. But the main side effects that people talk about, not everyone suffers from it though, but it's mainly nausea and vomiting, and the inability to eat after chemo, and of course feeling tired and drained out. There's a couple of things I used to do with nausea, it's Ginger capsules, it can be a relieve sometimes, you can take it three days before and three days after getting chemo, I used to take three capsules, twice a day. The most effective doses were 1 gram and 0.5 gram a day, which is like half a teaspoon or one-quarter of a teaspoon of ground ginger, and as far as I'm concerned there were no side effects (but be aware that some people are allergic to Ginger). Chamomile, or peppermint may also help.
There's the problem with eating after chemo, I find the foods that go down easily are melon, steamed veggies, frozen fruit bars, broth, yogurt, flavored water, flat ginger ale, rice, pasta, grilled or poached chicken or fish. Avoid spices and salt.
Hope I could help, if you ever need to talk, I'm here.

I'm starting chemo next week as well so I guess we will be sharing a journey. My nurse explained to me that everybody reacts differently and side effects you have the first time you may or may not have later on.

Good luck & stay strong.


Lmh50, how are you doing and how has everything progressed with chemo? I hope you are well. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Scott, thank you for being here and for sharing with us. Please let us know how everything progresses for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Hi there, just finishing up my chemo from breast cancer. Anyone know how long it takes till hair begins to grow back? Anyone have consistant watering eyes? I do still have my eyelashes.