I'm 19 and new to gambling but it has gotten to the point that's all I want to do now. Do to gambling I can play for hours and it has put my life into a spin to hell.
I've read some of your other posts & it appears that you have some issues to attend with. Have you ever sought counseling if affordable, would be wise if your still living w/parents or a parent to try & find someone you can speak with that can lead you in the right direction as to where to begin so you can find some relief within. You gotta start w/one & then work through that for as long as it takes til you start on the next issue, one cant take them all on at once. You'd joined anger management that would probably be a good starting point due to the fact that one will "act out" by doing other self destructive things if something traumatic had happened in their life. Am glad your reaching out thats a sign your ready & willing.
So what started your anger if you dont mind me asking.
Your my sons age so go for it & talk when you feel like it.
Take care of you.
Hang tough, you are too young to go to hell! Remember, I am the RECRUITER!!!!!!!