New to site. Feeling lonely. I love my wife, and my kids, but am having a hard time dealing with her second affair. Financially unable to leave, but wouldn't anyway because of my kids. Wife shows no interest in how I feel or what I want. Just needed to get that out.
So sorry for what you have endured. I know the feeling of hopelessness that this kind of behavior can bring. Maybe she needs a little reality dose. Seems like she is making you into her doormat and that may not change if she knows you're not going to do anything about it. So selfish and immature on her part. Please take good care of yourself. You are important. There are many on this site who are in your same shoes. Get tested for STDS. Free at your local health clinic and you can remain anonymous. One thing outbursts of anger will not help either of you. Have you sought counseling for yourself? I hope you don't mind that I am praying for your family. Take one day at a time. Your children are very lucky to have you. You are a Superman in my book. I am very proud of you. What a wonderful father you are. I hope you realize that this is all about her and not your fault. She has some unresolved issues from childhood or something. But that should be no excuse for her behavior. I hope things get better for you. Please post often if it helps you. Sending you hope and strength (( hugs.))God's healing peace.
Work on you. Do things to make you happy. A new hobby. Enjoy simple things. Confidence is very sexy! Even if you have to fake it to make it.