New to the group. Type 2 for more than 15 years. Single, l

New to the group. Type 2 for more than 15 years. Single, living alone with no family support and few friends. Extreme introvert, preferring my own company to getting out in society. Numbers aren't real bad but they could be much better. I know my eating patterns are all messed up but cooking proper portions for one is nigh impossible (there is a reason restaurant portions are so big). Any suggestions (that won't break the bank)?

Hi...glad you found SG...hope you find the support you're looking for here...know that you're not alone!

Hi there, I am type 2 but only diagnosed a couple of months ago. One thing I always do is cook some slimming world recipes, they are always four servings, so I freeze three. Another thing is M & S do some meals balanced for you. Three for £10. It is not always easy making the effort when on your own. I hope this is some help to you. PS: you don't have to go to slimming world, buy a few magazines. There recipes are mostly very good.

I have never heard of Slimming World, nor do I have a clue what you are referring to by M&S. I assume based on your use of that fancy L that you are in somewhere in the U.K. and both of those are groups based on the other side of the pond. I, on the other hand am not too far from the middle of North America, more than 900 miles from the nearest ocean. For me, the emphasis must be on only cooking what I will eat at that time. I grew up in a large family (4 siblings) and at the end of a meal there were never any leftovers. No leftovers is so engrained into my psyche that if I prepared a recipe that was intended to be 4 servings, I would still eat the entire batch during a single meal. The actor, Orson Wells is credited with saying something to the effect of “My doctor has requested that I stop preparing intimate dinners for 4 unless I know 3 other people will be present.” This requirement is also very true for my situation.