New To This First Time Posting

Hi all,

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

I am a single, adult, lesbian, no children, living in Florida. I am disabled from depression/anxiety (was my original diagnoses), but due to lack of proper medical care I feel I have gotten worse. I am new to the area where I just moved to don't know anyone am very lonely and have a problem with actually going out and meeting and making new friends. I've lost interest in things I used to enjoy doing. I have a dog that is like my baby he is my only source of communication, love, affection, companionship but lately I get these bouts of irritability and overwhelmed and sometimes wish someone else would take care of him.

Sorry but I'm a mess & desperate right now. So, this is a first step for me.

I was hoping someone out there could recommend a med that has helped them feel better without feeling drugged up all day and night. I have a doctors appointment and I would like to start taking something that will help me feel better. BTW, how embarrassing is this? my 1st therapist appt last month and I was very tense, therapist asked me a few questions and I was very defensive in answering then suddendly out of nowhere a gusher of tears started & I could harldy talk I thought I was going to have a panic or heart attack I started shaking, and sweating uncontrollably (I'm not a sweating type person)this lasted throughout the 1 hour session...Oh Lordy I think I had some sort of melt-down...LOL I kept on thinking about that show Women Who Snapped.

Thanks for this group and Bless You All.

Best Wishes!

hi there keep posting and communicating with us.

as for meds u would need the advice of others who know more than i do but the tears..........

please believe me u dont have to b embarrassed the medical staff has seen it all before, nothing would shock or disgust them.

ok so sending u positive vibes and loving thoughts til next time

Hey Vicky,
How are you today, hope you are having a good day. I know depression and loneliness can be so awful. I often feel like that. I live in a city and the only people I really know there are my sisters who have made it very clear that they have their own lives. So it does get me down. We also have a dog and she is wonderful, there is something so great about the unconditional love from a pet.

I am on anti-depressants they have varied effects on different people and also are different depending on what they are trying to treat. I am taking one which contains selective seretonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRIs). I have tried others which have made me feel sleepy and I found it difficult to live my life and take the medication. This, however, really worked for. Now of course there are side effects as with every anti-depressant, so you should do some research on the subject yourself too and talk to your doctor.

About the therapist, don't worry about that, that has happened so often with me. I used to go in, as tough as nails, and I would come out all teary eyed. But I think it is a good thing, it means that you are evoking emotions that are in there and crucial issues that need to be addressed. Are you still going to see a therapist? Please continue to do so, it is important to tackle these things, before they get really out of hand.

In regard to your loneliness, have you thought of joining any classes or anything like that, or if you are into sports, you could join a sports team. It could do you some good to be surrounded by people and you should try to reach out and make that connection. You may be surprised at how many people feel the exact same way as you.

Keep plugging at it hun, and stay optimistic. Moving takes a while to settle but you will get there. For now work on yourself, and try and write out ways that you can improve your life...that would be such a start, and you've taken a great step coming here.

Keep coming back for support. Wishing you a bright day.

Warmest Wishes
Moongal x

Hi VickyHill, Welcome to . I take Effexor which helps me with anxiety and depression and I don't feel all drugged up. I take the lowest dosage. I have tried several different ones and this one works best for me. I agree with moongal on, "they have varied effects on different people and also are different depending on what they are trying to treat." I suggest talking with your doctor about this when you see them. Together you both can find what works best for you.

I don't have any friends where I live. I do have 2 best friends but they live far away. We stay in touch through the computer and phone. I am giving serious thought to joining a gym. My oldest daughter has been after me to go with her. I am going to take her up on her offer. Exercise also helps us.

Keep sharing with us. We are here for you. ((((hugs))))

Hi Vicky, welcome and thank you for sharing your story. Please don't feel embarrassed whatsoever; you are in a very safe environment here, thus please feel to share anything and everything that's comfortable for you. I can understand loneliness and depression all too well and what you are going through on that front. Though, I have never taking medication for either one. I have always tried to work through each one naturally, but I understand that if it's truly paralyzing and detrimental to your health and well-being, then medication can provide a helpful solution. In this case, your doctor will provide the best guidance for you.

I believe in taking baby steps in anything that causes you fear or stress. So, if getting out to meet new people is incredibly fearful for you, then maybe try taking small steps to doing so such as joining a small intimate community group that may interest you [like a hobby], or even get out to a cafe and interact with locals there. Once we allow loneliness and depression to really take over us, and we allow it to go on for too long, then it becomes harder and harder to break out of it and into socializing. That's why I believe it taking these small steps to break out and away from it. That's what worked best for me.

Sending you lots of good positive energy....I know that you will get through this, we are here to support you in any way that we can. Wishing you all of the very best.

Hiya Vicky, :) dont worry too much about your reaction at the doctors, its a relese of emotions, and they see this every day. keep with it u will find meds to help without being druged up. its very understanable you feel how u do. keep in touch hunny xxxx love from ireland

once again ladies im amazed and humbled by the way u reach out to each other with advice and how nice to hear from ireland.

to u all i say keep posting and sharing

as always loving thoughts and positive vibes

Cry as much as you want. Its good for you. I'll be sending you positive vibes and lots of love :) Hang in there.

I totally agree, cry and let all of your emotions out, it's truly healthy and healing. Sending you lots of positive and happy energy.

Hi Vicky. if Its any consolation, you are not alone in this. I just had therapy last week and I went it all gung-ho and broke down and cried so hard that i felt so much better after that. we have to go there you know- to a place that is so strange to us. The unknown is really scary but its a step to healing. Remember, it will get worse before it gets a whole lot better. we just have to give our feelings the acknowledgement it deserves. Honour what we feel. Its ok to feel what we are feeling. Dont let the rest of the world tell you how to feel.
We will get through this. We will look back on this one day and feel that sense of pride that we made it. Its ok if thats not today or in the next few months but we will get there....