Make a long story short.. me and my bf have been together 7 years.. caught him numerous times chatting and sexton girls in chat rooms. Found out 3 days ago he is still doing heart is broken and I don't know how to move on from here.. he has signed up for sex annoimous said he wants to fix it. I just don't know what to do
I want him to work out his problems so we can move on in our life but I'm not sure if I can forgive at this point. I want to be able not to worry when I'm away for work if he is doing this. I don't know how to process or heal from this. Any ideas?
@Lonelydays I went through something like this when I found out my ex girlfriend cheated on me. And it’s hard and I am so sorry. I know you care so much about him and what you two have tofpgether, but I have to ask you when is enough enough? Why so many chances?
HAs he ever been seen by a doctor before? So they have sex on chat rooms, like on the internet... like facetiming but having sex. is that what it is? Sorry I don't know this kind of stuff.
Basically he goes online talked to girls and exchanges nudes of each other and he masturbates while texting/iming these girls. To my knowledge nothing ever in person. He has been diagnosed with big polar years ago and I'm not sure if these seems from it or not
I did the same thing. I went online to have my needs meet when she was always too busy or tired to want to be with me. I sexed, changed pictures etc... I got caught also and totally stopped. I did not see it as cheating but have come to understand that yes it was cheating. I can never take back what I did and have lived my life to make her feel and know I never did that again till she physically cheated and that just made me feel like my work was all for not!
Well I would never cheat.. never have never will. Me and my bf are 26 and 27 years old.We have a healthy sex life.. we do it at least once a day and that doesn't seem to be enough for him like this last time I caught him. Woke up and had adult time before I left for work @8 came home on my lunch at 11:30 and walked in on him doing that.
@Lonelydays Do not get why those that get it whenever they want too still have to do it, that makes no sense!!! Sorry he did that to you. I hope he understands and does everything he can to make you feel good about the 2 of you again.
Geez, so sorry he is being this way and yes it is cheating. I hope you post as often as you like. Take one day at a time. Take good care of yourself. You are important! Hope he steps up to help you get over this and fix this mess. Sending you hope, strength, ((hugs)) God's peace.