New to this site

Hi there, was just wanting to chat with others whom have BPD, I have been living with this for many years. I live alone, shocker huh? I have distanced myself from many family and friends over the years.
My question is how do you go about telling someone you want to date that you just met you have this disorder?
Do you wait a couple dates? Are you upfront?
How have you guys handled this?

Just a little advice, get to know the person first and then you can say what you feel comfortable with. Take time, do not rush with any information. Wishing you well and God bless you.

Yup. I agree. Take your time. You don't owe anyone information about your life. You'll know when its right. If its been months and you don't feel comfortable telling the person, maybe its not the right relationship for you. Good Luck!!