New to this

Hi. This is my first time ever doing something of this sort and actually makes me a little anxious of the thought of it. I'm 17 years old and just last year was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I've been going through this for years and am now trying to cope with ways of dealing with it on a more conscious level everyday. This has been really hard for me and have pretty strict, conservative parents who don't really understand what I go through on a daily basis. I'm currently seeing someone and taking medication but i feel at times that it's just not enough. I'm not really sure of what I am to ask or really say in these posts but I guess I just wanted to have the reassurance that I'm not the only one going through this...


Welcome to Support Groups online, you are definately not the only one feeling the way you do. I certainly hope that you find this site as useful as I have in the past.

I suffer Bipolar and this website has been so helpful and supportive of me, you wil find everyone on here experiencing simialr difficulties and as one we can help each other through.

Take care, always here if you need to chat. Keep posting if it helps you to release those awful feelings of Anxiety.

Talk soon :)

Welcome to the site