This is my first experience using a online support group. I am coming to a realization that I might have a "problem." I never thought I had a drinking problem. I just thought I was like the rest of the college students in the world. However, after still not graduating after 6 years and seeing all my friends settling into their careers I had to take a good look at myself. I am still not sure if my drinking is a problem for me but I am willing to explore how it effects my life. I could use some help trying to figure out my relationship with alcohol. I know that I don't need to drink but I can't remember a day that I haven't had at least one drink. I guess I rationalize my drinking as a way to relieve my stress after work and class. Alcoholism runs in my family and ever since I can remember my dad has always been on my back about being aware of the problem. The last thing I would want is to disappoint my family. I guess I really need some guidance right.
If alcoholism runs in your family then you are predisposed to the disease. I am 42 my biological dad is a recovering alcoholic and now so is my 46 year old brother and myself. I have almost 7 months of sobriety. but have battled the disease since 2001 now. I always used the stress of work to drink or just wanting to wind down after a long day at work, or being a single mom, or just playing with the girls, or saving so much money at the grocery store, or getting a bigger tax refund than expected or celebrating the B on the English paper etc etc etc. If you are giving yourself excuses for why your having a drink then you may want to spend some time looking at how important it is to you to drink. Ask your dad for his guidance it will not only give you the knowledge you need but it will help him in the process Parents like to know that their kids did pay attention to some of the things they said. Recognizing that you may have a problem is a great first step. Just remember that it IS hereditary and having the active disease is miserable so why even chance it.
Hi. I'm also new to online support, and while I started here due to an eating disorder I've been struggling with for 20 years, I'm exploring also my 'binging' on wine. I like to joke that I'm a wino, when people ask what I like to drink, but it's becoming not so funny anymore. I have alcoholism and drug abuse on both sides of my family. Yeah, a double whammy. And I went through years of drug use / abuse in high school, college, and some thereafter. I've been out of the drug scene for a good 10 years now, but I do love my wine. And a glass a night I know is okay, but I don't stop there. I can finish a bottle off in a night, or at least in 2. My husband has made numerous comments and so I'm wondering if it's a problem. Obviouslly I have a predisposition to addiction (I've proved it to myself in the past), but do I have a problem? I drink wine probably 3-4 nights a week. Sometimes more. Sometimes less. How does it sound to you?
Boy, I can relate with what you said here ForestChild. I too can finish off a bottle of white wine 3-4 nights a week. The only reason it wasn’t 7 was because I had a hangover and a promise between days. When it started making me miss work I knew I had a problem. Boy, I still miss the taste and lounging around watching TV with a glass in hand!
Welcome Missdemenor,
There are some on line tests you can take, which will give you additional information about whether you are an alcoholic and what kind. For me, it came down to missing work/class because I was hung over. For me, that was enough for me to see that it was affecting my life.
I personally don't miss work, although I missed more classes than I could ever count way back when. I am rather disciplined and will get up in the morning, even though later than usual, and get to work. It doesn't control me. Like last night, I had a glass and didn't really enjoy it. My husband asked if I wanted a 2nd (knowing me) but I said no and meant it. There's just times when I feel like I want a buzz. Is that so bad?
I am an alcoholic but for many years I drank heavily and questioned if I was an alcoholic. As the years went by I drank more and more. Saying I'll quit tomorrow and never did. Trust me it only gets worse. I ended up getting a DUI and almost losing my children. I still battle with the urge and wish I had stopped many many years when the there wasn't that constant temptation...but I guess I had to hit rock bottom. Take it from me quit while you are ahead the drinking just gets worst and will eventually destroy you....Good luck and I wish you well