Newbie here and I have finally admitted I have a shopping problem

Hi everyone, my addiction to buying things online from Ebay and Amazon has gotten the better of me and I need to stop. I buy things I really don't need to fill some void in my life but don't know what it is. I have taken my first steps and removed my credit card & checking account from PayPal & Amazon and also cut up my credit card. Can anyone offer input on why I feel the need to constantly buy things? Thanks.

Hi, just know you are not alone. I buy online like crazy and I am trying to find a group or people like me because I have to stop also. Shopping is like a drug to me. Anyway, sorry I do not have any suggestions but just know you are not alone. :)

Thanks for your thoughts. It really frustrates me because I feel like I should have my life in order by now. I find that I am good for a while but then go on a buying spree for a few weeks in a row.

I have been trying to find a therapist in my area that specializes in compulsive spending and I found 2 but neither worked out because they do not take insurance and they are really expensive. I talked to one of them on the phone yesterday and she suggested a book called To Buy or Not to Buy by April Benson. I actually had it already (as books are one of my addictions) but I never really read it. She said she recommended I work through it (as all her patients read it and she works with them using this book) on my own and that would be the best inexpensive way to go about helping myself. So I am going to try and work through the book. It is A LOT of writing but I must do something to stop. Just wanted to let you know in case you want to check out the book too. April Benson also has a website. I listened in on one of her free teleclasses last year and then you find out it is $1200 to do the program with her so I nixed that. But her website has a lot of good info on it.


Has this shopping addiction affected your finances severely????

And, yes, admitting you have a problem is the first step!!!:)

I do too. Amazon is my sickness. The mailman actually asked my husband the other day if we have another room in our house just for my packages. Anyone know of a place to get real help??? I am not ready to give it up yet but I have to!!