Newbie here

I am still unsure how I foiund this page, but nline support is better than none I guess. Please do not takt that as me putting down the online group...if I didnt think it could help I would not be here.
Im 34, mom of 4. I love and cherish my kids. Honestly, if I did not have them I would want to be dead. Honest and upfront.
I have been on depression meds since i was 17 and cut myself. As of late I just dont have hope that things will get better. I can hardly fall asleep at night so I wana sleep during the day. My kids are bummed because when I do that we cant go anywhere for summer break. I have no desire to even leave the house to be honest. We lost our house three yeara agho and live with my brother. Im just so tired of everything. I do see the dr tomorrow but am scared because if I have to keep making appointments to talk to new people then I know I wont keep them. any ideas on what I can try? I have two teens and two younger ones. i often find myself wanting to hurt myself but I dont want them to know, plus I feel weak when I slip. I just want some glimmer of hope that things will look better. I pray every day and thank GOD for my children. I dont know what else to do

just keep you doctors appointments, they can give you stuff to help. I know how bad things can suck, i've been there. Sometimes i still get there and it still sucks. Maybe your body has gotten used to what they give you, i don't know.

Since you are still here because of the kids, keep your appointments for them. It's worth a try. i know it's still going to be hard.

I've been at the place where i didn't want to do thing, it's hard getting out of that hole. But seriouly do it for the kids sake, re phrasing like that may work. And i can tell you want to feel good so they do also. Just an idea, i hope it works for you.