Newly diagnosed and alone :/

Newly diagnosed and alone :/

Someone message me or text me

@Renee79531 I remember the day I was diagnosed with HSV2 the tears, anger, confusion and disbelief overwhelmed me but then I had to suck it up gather what little strength I had to tell the person that I was dating what I was just told and that he should get tested and that I would go with him…I say all of that to show you that you aren’t alone your world might be feeling as though it’s all caving in but I’m sure and I hope that you have at least 3 people you can lean on during this overwhelming time

Hey it's ok, ik how u feel, when I found out I had it I felt the same, I can't tell u how much I cried. But ukw? It'll b ok, I promise, u can live ur life, have kids, and enjoy the life u have. Don't let it keep u from enjoying life, hang in there, it will get better!

1 Heart

It sucks at first but it gets better. In the 12 years I've had it, I've only been turned down once because of it. Over time, you realize that the stigma is the real PITA. The symptoms come and go, but, at the end of the day, I lead such a normal life that I forget I have it except that I take meds when I have a boyfriend.

2 Hearts

Im glad to see all the support. I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago and can say even in that time I am slowly feeling better. Helps to hear from people who have had it for a while....need to know how to navigate the waters.

2 Hearts

Thanks everyone. I really appreciate it. Definitely giving me hope in such a ****** situation. I felt so gross and disgusted. I seriously have been crying for a week after they said what it might be. And today sent me over board on the emotions I guess

@Renee79531 when I found out officially what it was whenever I took a shower I just never felt clean I always still felt dirty ass time went on I didn’t feel like that anymore I can tell you this some days will be better than others just make sure you have people to lean on that won’t judge you


1 Heart