Newly Diagnosed

Hello everyone, I am new to the support online. But have faith this will help me :) No one seems to understand the pain I have been going through lately. But to start at the beginning here we go. I was diagnosed with depression and panic disorder at the age of 18. I went through many different medications over the years and finally found something to help me after many years of trying. I am now on Celexa daily and Klonopin as needed. I have been through counseling and other therapies over the years. Just when I thought I had that under control I started having problems and was diagnosed then with IBS (Irritable Bile Syndrome) now that has been going on for about 15 years now. Then came the insomnia shortly after that. I am on various medications for every thing I been diagnosed with. Recently I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, the pain is just so unbearable. So now new medication was added, and the more I read the more I am learning about Fibromyalgia. I am having problems with swelling now, before I started taking the new medications on occasion I would have swelling and taking in fluids seemed to help within a day or so I was no longer swelled. I have been swelled non stop now for over a week, and no matter what I do I can not get the swelling down. I don't use very much salt, and I do not cook with it. I know its fluid retention, but am not sure what is causing it. Everything I have read says that Fibromyalgia goes not cause the fluid retention. I have researched the medications I am on which are Baclofen and Vicodin. The only thing else I take is Premerin due to a Hysterectomy about 5 years ago. My daughter works in a nursing home with the elderly and she asked her Registered Nurse there and she suggested I get a over the counter water pill. But with all the other medications I am weary to use something like that. If anyone could give me some advice or has had the fluid retention as well, or any advice I would appreciate it :)

Medications Listed In Order: Taken Daily Or As Needed
Klonopin- As needed

Hi DarkStarz,
Your story sounds much like mine. I am luck enough to have missed theIBS. Years before I even heard of Fibromyalgia, my ankles would swell at times. I had been in a car accident and was taking Vicodan also.
That's when I noticed the swelling start. I don't know if it is put as a side effect, but maybe more of an allergy.
In doing months of research on Fibromyalgia, I did come across numerous sites that say, Vicodan, or painkillers in that class do not really help the pain.
I was very I'll last year, unrelated to Fibro but when I was released from the hospital I was lucky enough to have a nurse come in at first daily, an aide 7 days a week for 5 hours and physical therapy 3 times a week. I guess I was so sick, I had no idea. I had that help for 6 months. My ankles and feet were constantly being checked. As soon as the swelling started, they told me to keep my feet up. They still swell and I try to keep them up as much as possible.
I have been on a mission to find something to make the fibro symtoms subside. After months of googling day and night, I found some answers. One in particular. I have posted it, but people are apprehensive to believe.
If you are interested I have bookmarked every site that was worthwhile to get me some sort of answer andI would e happy to share them with you so you can drawer your own conclusion.
I started this treatment about 6 weeks ago and the pain has definitely subsided. I'm aware, the disease is not curable, but I see for myself, it's manageable. The reason it is not promoted is a big manufacturer had nothing
To do with it..I can tell you, the most I use now is Advil and I've had no side effects. I'm not pushing
Anything, but want to help anyone who wants help. You can contact me, PM me, if I can be of help.
Fibrofoggy109, not to be mistaken for the new Froggie here. A sweetie, but not Moir.

Hello Darkstarz,

I've had fibro for 3 years now. I've noticed swelling only after I've taken vicodin for a longer than normal period of time or at a higher dose if I'm in more than normal pain.

Typically the swelling is in my feet and hands. I just start to take less of the vicodin when I notice the swelling and it goes down and eventually away.

But I also know if you are in a lot of pain, sometimes the vicodin is the only thing that works, for me anyway. Have you had any other pain killers that have worked?

I hope this information helps you.