Niceness/Annoyances and first impressions etc

I am nice, quiet but nice. Maybe often irritable but I'm never mean on purpose, well rarely. I am aggressive, and I joke around, so maybe that could be taken as being mean? People get so offended easily, especially my hubby, i can't joke with him (physically) cause he'll get annoyed and moody, he's like the grinch. Well, I get moody and irritable too, maybe it's contageous? I was never so moody in my entire life! I was always out, active, fun. I like pranks :D Like when I put hotdogs and mustard in my brothers socks. haha

Maybe it's just me, I know I've changed since I met him, and not just physically. Too much stress, I hate stress, too much anxiety too. My hubby's friend, our neighbor, told him I was mean. We have a dog, I love dogs, but for reasons, I just hate his dog. I got 2 puppies for our first christmas here and both died cause they had distemper. I didn't want a dog after that, but he took in this stray, i wanted him out. He got attached. He barks too much I feel like strangling him. I enjoy peace and quiet, I just get more irritable than usual. Plus, he sheds so **** much and my doctor even told me to get rid of him if I want my allergies to go away, hubby refused. Anyways...we have one of those shock collars, it doesnt hurt the dog but I just dont like that he barks at everything and everyone and for no apparent reason. Even being house trained, when its just me home, he'll come in and poop and pee all over the couch....on purpose too! Mutual dislike. He's ok, I try to like him, he's overly active, has seperation anxiety and adhd.

I love cats, so I now have 2, yea they shed but for whatever reason, my allergies don't bug me. The dog isn't allowed in the house, plus my cats hate him. I've never seen a dog scared of cats before. All 3 like to lick...I have issues with clean hands, so I know I wash my hands about a million times a day. If I pet the dog, I can't do anything else unless I've washed my hands, I don't know why I do that.
Ok where was I? I'm nice! It's funny that when people first meet me, they think I'd be mean, maybe cause I look mean, but then they find out I'm just shy and quiet. Once in my last group home, a lot of the staff I first met would say that I looked as if I was gonna beat their ***. Geeze, do I look that evil? lol I'm only mean if you're mean to me. Oh I can be rude and give you an attitude, but that's way different. On here, I have no problem being my normal self, like my real self, how I am with close friends I'm comfortable around, I never lost my inner child, I can be as immature as they come, and serious when I have to be.
I was always serious in school, though never with my work lol I didn't mess around. I didn't like it but it was important, so i made sure to finish. I graduated on honor roll and earned scholarships and grants. I was always so shy with everyone. Why are people shy? Too embarr***ed to be comfortable in being themselves, thinking before they say anything. I never like sounded stupid.

Anyways, i guess this was random

Hi SgtsWife, I'm sorry that people think that you're mean, maybe they just need time to get to know the real you. As well, sometimes things we may say or do in a joking manner can be misconstrued. Just give it a little bit of time and patience and I am sure that people will see you for the wonderful person that you are. As well, in terms of your dog, have you researched training techniques online? My parents just rescued a dog and I've been applying training techniques that I researched online and they really help.

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