Night time ritual

I have a night time wine habit. I can drink anywhere from 2 glasses to just about the whole bottle! I get home earlier than my husband so I just sit, watch tv and enjoy myself. The problem is I wake up the next day and I never feel 100%. Also sometimes by the time my husband gets home, if I thought about something that made me upset, {in my drunkeness} I will take it out on him. Sometimes I wake up scared i e-mailed someone or said something horrible to my husband. My father was a nasty drunk. He has stopped drinking but I think he is still abusing prescription drugs. I need a support system. I tell my husband I need to stop and he kind of brushes it off. I'm not sure he thinks I have a problem- but I do. On the weekends we both drink 2 much! We will sit in our apt watch a movie and drink. I am scared I dont know how 2 have fun without drinking. I'm scared I dont know how 2 fully let go of my day and "unwind" without drinking. Last night I did not drink. Today is day 2. I am happy I found this site. Reading other peoples stories helps. Any tips on something else I can do would be appreciated! Thank you!

Well, i had a similar experience, I had to be under the influence everyday 2 years ago. The way i got help is to go to a alcoholic clinic, Well forget the term "Alcoholic" because that is a very scary word. All you need it a support, search up in google for local help for your problem. This is what i did and gradually it got better because i had someone who i could actually open upto, you know go behind the thoughts of the actually reason why you want to drink. And i would cut down a lot because alcohol is a depressant and you would probs feel bad the next day and because you feel bad you go for more drink to make it at ease. Hope this helps x

Healthy Day ,, Thinking or realizing there may be a problem with alcohol,,,, is the first step in recovery... And being able to go 2 days (on your own),, Congratulations..You are in a better place, than I was.. I couldn't go 2 hours without drinking..But that was 24 years ago.. I've gone 24 years without alcohol...But back to You..... You and your husband probably enable each other..This means " Oh, I like to drink,, so I'm going to approve of my spouse drinking" Only thing about this scenerio is,,, when one side wants to slow down or stop drinking,,, it creates a problem with the other side.. The other side goes into denial mode,,, saying " I don't need to drink,, and can stop at any time..." Only thing wrong with this.,,, in the back of their mind,,, they don't want to stop or cut back.... and the problem begins or gets larger.... Tips--- cut back altogether or limit drinking to 1-2 per day... and hold to the limit... You are wanting to change your habits?? Do just that,,, get away from your drinking friends,,, stay out of the store or alcohol department... Let people around you know, of your intentions and ask them to be supportive... There is a happier life without alcohol,, you don't wreck your health,, and you can save more cash...Hope this helps as I've been there and done that....

Hey HealthyDay,

I can fully relate to your experience of waking up scared...not remembering what I said, what I did, how I got home and feeling remorseful about the way I acted.

Support systems are great because you will have an opportunity to hear from people who have had a similar experience and learn about the ways in which they dealt with them. Have you considered checking out an AA meeting? I know the term 'alcoholic' is a little scary...I hadn't had a drink in 3 days when I went to my first meeting and didn't know what to expect. I knew that despite repeated efforts, I couldn't control my drinking.

What I heard were a lot of stories that I could identify with -- that I was not alone and that I could become a person who didn't need alcohol to 'cope' with life's daily stresses. You can call your local central AA office and find an 'open' meeting...these are meetings that are open to anyone (whether or not you have a desire to stop drinking). I haven't had a drink since September 2008 and I strongly believe that the support I found in AA has been a big part of that.

Thank you all for your support. Its getting to be about wine time. my brain feels a bit foggy. the strength I have right now is knowing i will feel good in the morning if i dont drink. But its hard 2 think future when I want wine right now.....I see this will be a struggle. I know very worth it. Worth it 4 my liver 2.

Im going to be looking up local AA meetings.

Great to hear, HD. We'd love to hear about your experience.

Do it ... AA has helped me loads ... I relapsed but I'm back .. 71 days clean time now ... Controlled drinking doesn't work in my experience .. But my relapse nearly killed me .. So it's kinda a blessing cause I'm clean now ...

Healthy day... I can totally relate to your story. I drink wine with my husband at night. Lately i have been drinking too much and have been emailing and calling people drunk, and i dont remember all of the conversation. I wake up and i feel totally shame and discusted with myself. I think its because i am so lonely and isolated. I am living were they dont speak my language, and i cant work due to the language barrier. I have no friends or family. My sis has breast cancer ...sorry i am going on and on. Just feels good to actually get it out. The only person i talk to is my husband. so if u need a friend message me please. I would love to chat with ya. Maybe we could help each other.

I can so relate to these posts, it's like a page out of my own life I am so glad I joined up today it makes me feel like I am not the only one

I fell like I could have written that, except I am not married. I have been without my wine for 9 days and i feel lost.

My boyfriend per se.... he just basically told me "See ya later" because I told him I havent' yet figured out how to have sober fun... goodness

HD, I've been having a bottle a night, every night paired with Xanax- alone. Blacked out drunk. It is wine time, I feel that way too. I'd like to try this "open AA meeting." I'm trying a 2 week period of not drinking before a vacation planned next month. Done it before, but usually return to the heavy drinking. I've had a drinking problem since the first drink I took at 14. Functioning Alcoholic. On top of that, I feel just fine in the morning, go to the gym, feel guilty about the drinking, avoid buying it, and go buy it at the last minute. It's awful. I suppose "breaking the ritual' helps, but I think my problem is beyond that. 2 glasses sounds "normal" compared to my ridiculous ritual.