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I have made the decision to go to AA, to do everything I can to fix this life I have ended up in.

I come from a long line of alcoholics, mom & dad, grandmother and lots of other relatives. Why have I been so stupid.

Now, when I need help from my immediate family, my husband says he won't stop drinking, at home or elsewhere, because why should my problem change his life. What do i do with that.

Hi aloneagain, Good for you on making the decision to go to AA. I am Tammy, an alcoholic in recovery myself. I went to AA for help with my drinking. There i did find help and hope. I also found people who understood me and I understood them. When I went , I went for myself and no one else. My husband still drinks but he doesn't have a problem with alcohol like I do. In the beginning it made me mad because he could drink and I couldn't. Eventually I accepted and was ok with that he can drink and I can't.

Let us know how it goes with your AA meeting. Remember to listen for the likenesses not the differences. Keep sharing here. We are here for you. ((((hugs))))

Aloneagain, thats a hard one to not be supported enough by your husband to help assist your recovery (not that its up to someone else to accomplish that for us) & it has to hurt, most of us know in one form or another that if we have addictive problems (genetic link, trauma, history, etc.) one has to stay away from the sources, let alone the people we have surrounded ourselves with to feel like we have something in common or comfortable in our skin/life/self medicating, its hard enough to stop doing thoses types of harmful behaviors to ourselves, so I admire you for attempting to be aware of yourself & taking steps for yourself to a better lifestyle & a better YOU, am thinking of you, keep going.
