Mine and my husband's faith only grew stronger after we found out about his cancer. However, to be completely honest, I have to admit there were times when I was angry at God for what was happening. It was a process we had to work through, but as I said, we came through it stronger Christians.
In most cases, God's laws appear reasonable and wise, and even when we don't want to obey them, we usually concede that they are good for us. Like most of us would agree it's a bad thing to cheat on your spouse, or to lie, etc.
The circumstances we find ourselves in often defy explanation. When unexpected situations arise that appear unjust, irrational, or even dreadful, we feel confused and frustrated. And before long we begin to doubt God's concern for us or His control over our lives.
Adversity is hard to endure, and can even be harder to understand. If God were really in control, why would He allow the tragic auto accident or crucial job loss? How could He permit cancer or the death of a child?
Grappling with His concern for us we ask, "Why is God allowing this?" or "What have I done wrong?" Those are all legitmate questions and each person has to find their own way.
My husband took the perspective of God refining us. In scripture their are several analogies that discuss the ways God makes us better people. We've all heard the saying, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Well, in our case, that applied to our spiritual lives as well.
I could write a whole book about this topic, but I won't. I just wanted people to read about someone who has had a positive spritual experience from dealing with cancer. I finish up with a quote from C.S. Lewis, one of my favorite Christian authors... "A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell." Just something to roll around in your brain for awhile! :)