No one should have the right to come in and belittle you for

No one should have the right to come in and belittle you for everything you don't have and things that they think are silly you are doing. I'm getting married in less then 2 weeks and my children's so called step mom has chosen to do this. She belittled me getting marrried, wanting to get a degree an the fact she thinks the person I'm with isn't half the parent she is. I basically got treated as a 2nd class citzen because I'm poor, don't make as much as my kids dad, or have an awesome house. At least I can say I've worked for everything I have.

yes your right no one should have that kind audacity to think they have that right but they it any way
if this helps at all when im confronted with those kind of people i just tell my self(over and over) that, that's someone i dont want to be like today

Thanks PF MCGEE, Yea I don't know, I may not have lots but I've worked for everything I have. She hasn't worked for anything she has, it was all handed to her. And also I know love is not based on money or anything materialistic.
Seems she thinks to be a good mom I need to be rich.

From Mood Disorders to Bipolar Disorder