My husband ( he is 34yrs old) was diagnosed with nodular sclerosis hodgkins lymphoma recently. This next week he is getting all the tests to stage him. He had one large node under his arm and several more in that area. An ultrasound showed he has an enlarged speen and nodes around the spleen..he has had no other staging tests until next week...then they will do the ct, gallium scan, bone marrow biopsy...We are asssuming since it is in his spleen he will be a stage 3 or possibly 4...We live in Canada...I have two questions:
1) We are considering going to the United States to the Mayo clinic....anyone have any thoughts on this? experience with them?
2)If anyone has had the same type and was a stage 3 or 4, what types of treatments did you receive?
We were told last week that we can expect treatments to begin in 10 days..but not sure if its just chemo or what..will find out more next week..
I'm so sorry to hear your husband situation but please dont worry because HL even at stage 4 is very curable and I hope your husband is gonna be treated.
I was diagnosed with HL nodular sclerosis type but stage 2A. My spots were on the right neck and mediastinal area detected with the Toraks BT.
Actually, I dont know if your husband stage would change the treatment type but as I'm a person who have HL nodular sclerosis type, I've begun to take ABVD chemo combination and my oncologist said I'll also take radiation therapy in the coming days maybe after the chemo treatment.
same here... HL nodular sclerosis stage 2A. I am also on ABVD. I think that is the most common treatment and fortunately most cases respond very well to it.
I wish you and your husband good luck. So far, my journal has been uneventful and the most uncomfortable (painful really) thing has been the bone marrow biopsy... If I could go back in time I would request to be sedated or under gen. anesthesia for it...
Hello my name is Kathy, at the young age of 29 I was diadnosed with Nodular sclerosing Hogkins Lymphoma. I am 57 years young now. I was stage 1A but back then all stages were and are readily curable. I went to Mayo Clinic and they did full body radiation on me. Since then I have met many people with the same diagnosis and if the stage is more they usually do chemo to catch any stray cells that get away. They told me that this type was very slow growing and if I had to get cancer this was the type to have.NOW what I didn't know is the side effect I would have later from the radiation, and that many times people with Hogkins will tend to develope Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma later when they are in their late 50's or 60's. NOT everyone will develope this but but it is good to know so you can keep your eyes open. Now days I would not go back to Mayo with your diagnosis because it is so easily treated and so well known that any GOOD Onchologist can treat you and save you extra travel expenses. Also if you want children you may want to bank some sperm because the treatment will probably stop any chance of children later. The side effects I got from radiation are calcifications of parts of organs that were in the radiation fields and not screened (they can't screen everything)such as pulmonary tissue, aorta, carotid arteries and heart valves. These show up when you are older. So you deal with it then. I now have the non hodkins lymphoma but caught it fairly early and am again doing treatments to rid myself of the cancer again.Cancer is no picnic and everyone has their own reactions to along with their families. I tend to blow off the side effects to it and try to keep things as normal as possible and enjoy life and deal with whatever comes my way one mess at a time. Remember Never,never, NEVER give up This too shall pass. Prayers and hugs both your ways in the coming months