I shop for things my family and I need, but sometimes I over shop. I will buy things that are needed but these items aren’t needed immediately. I don’t have enough money in the budget which causes me to overspend and use a credit instead of waiting until I can afford these extra items. I don’t shop to feel better. I don’t shop just shop. I don’t just buy things for know reason. I don’t buys things and hide or hoard them.
i think thats how debt starts…in the beginning its only a few little things…but those things add up… believe me yo dont want to have no retirement money because of debt. do all that u can to overcome this even therapy!
Hey there! I relate a lot to what you’re saying. When I wasn’t shopping for myself, I would spend money on others to justify my addiction because I thought it would make others happy and solve their problems. It’s not true, though, because happiness isn’t found in material things.
For me, the urgency to make a purchase, especially when money is tight, and it’s on stuff that isn’t needed immediately, is a sign it’s addiction-driven. When this happens, I know it’s time to step back and see what’s going on in my life that could be triggering that reaction.
It’s good that you’re looking at your spending habits. If they cause financial strain or push you into debt, it’d be worth looking into more. I hope you find the clarity and support you need!
Are there any shopaholic meetings in person??