Not sure what's happening

My strength has been declining over the last few weeks...
I find it takes tremendous strength to press down on the button to flush the toilet, forget about opening a water bottle - i cant twist the top off, i cant rip open the package of a tea bag, i cant press the button to open my microwave.
My dizzy spells have increased significantly and last longer then the usual 5 seconds after i stand up. I notice that after I eat something whether it be a shake, veggies, soup or grapes, im hungrier AFTER then i was BEFORE i ate it..this makes no sense?
My fingers on my left hand...I can make a fist but I cannot make my fingers touch side by thumb is the only one that moves. For instance, if im trying to sqeeze shampoo into my hand (trying becuase i have no strength to do that either) you would normally cup your hand so the shampoo doesnt slip between your fingers...i cant cup my hand.
Am I getting sicker from ED?

oh gina----im getting insanely worried about you!!! you need to either GO to the ER like soon --or go to your doctor and tell him to check this out like --soon!

this is really not good ...and it is worrying me...

you really do need help with this and you do not want to damage your health...

i really highly suggest going to the ER...

this is not good --and you do not need to be in pain/ not being able to use your hands ---anymore...

please seek


My doctor knows about the hand, he didnt seem all too concerned. Said he would send me for nerve testing.

This sounds so scary.
I hope you go get checked fast.


oh gina--this doctor you have is such a --oooo idiot! sorry! he is the one who has insulted your weight.. you really need a GOOD nice caring doctor who will treat you nicely ( yes like mine--) and listen to your problems instead of putting them off/dismissing them! and if you got a good doctor they will be able to fill out your forms faster to get you into inpateint--this **** took forever to do so!

i seriously suggest you go to an ER.... they can do a work up on you...


I see my dr. me, his solution will be "just try to eat more".

what a fool!!!!
this all doesn't sound like norma strength loss to me and i know what i'm talking about here.
you should really get some neurological tests done, this is nothing to mess around with.
could you somehow insist on tests?

Gina, please go to the ER. My mom is a nurse practitioner, and I just read her your post over the phone. She is really worried and said to go ASAP. Please don't wait!

you cannot and i repeat cannot wait on this gina--you have to get this checked out soon...


Thanks you everyones concern. I am seeing my dr today.

thinking of you....

hope your doctor listens to you and if not check into another one!

Hope your doctor's visit goes well. Keep us updated!

Love and light,

Dani, it did go well. He’s the doctor who got me into outpatient!

Oh that's so awesome then. I'm so happy. Did he say anything about all the things that have been ailing you lately? Did he tell you that all of these things will reverse as you get better? Man oh man I'm so happy for you. I really can't wait to hear all about the process.


yeah, i'm curious about the neurological thing too. hope it'll be sorted!!