im so excited to be at college now, i had hoped it would help put it end to my binge eating and diet restrictions. i know your thinking, 'wouldn't i be scared i would gain weight in college?' i only binge when the food is in front of me, i don't go out of my way to get the food i want to binge on, so i thought since i didn't have a pantry in my room this would be a big help in not wanting to eat everything i saw. but continuously i find myslef passing junk food everywhere and caving in to it. i won't eat when im around people but ill store it and as soon as i am alone i eat it all. im so sick of worrying. another constant reminder, my pants aren't fitting anymore and i struggle everyday to put them on. its upsetting and i feel worse just wanting to eat again. i want to go run again like i used to. but i find myslef getting ready to go but never stepping foot outside. and i don't know why.. i keep telling myslef as soon as its not 95 degrees out ill go running and working out! but who knows i never seem to follow through on anything anymore. i restricted right before i got to school, lots of binging since ive been here, and i feel the urge to restrict again. im not big, but im fat, and i hate my body. i just...want to be healthy.
I thought the same thing when I came to college. I kept saying all this restriction and binging would just end because I am no longer in my parents house. But not even close. It didn't change- possibly got worse- because it was already embedded in my brain.
I understand how you are feeling. College is hard to deal with, is this your first year? Does your school have in indoor gym you could use since its hot out? Have you possibly looked to see if your schools health center has counseling of some sort for you to talk to about your eating? Just some suggestions.
Hope to hear from you soon. I hope you have a good day today.
Hey Gretchen,
College environment is hard when it comes to being and eating healthy! Students are always on the go, and it can be difficult to watch what you're eating. I've had personal experience with gaining the "freshman" weight. It's just important to stay focused and keep a routine, make the time for food to avoid last minute junk food. I think a really important thing to force yourself to make time for is exercise, any form of it. I remember getting so caught up with school and my social life that I convinced myself I had no time to exercise. Might be helpful to have a workout buddy? I find it a lot more pleasant when I have somebody with me. College is really stressful but it sure will be the time of your life. Keep in touch.
Hey Gretchen,
I know exactly how you feel. I use to run all of the time. I was so HOT! And I've slumped into a no work-out, excuses excuses lifestyle. Binge eating included. I've gained roughly 30 pounds or so since May. You aren't alone. I'm a college student also, only one of my jeans fit me. We're in this together. Just start trying your best to listen to the voice that urged you to create this account and write this entry. It's in you, Gretchen! Let it come out! I've been trying to work towards this goal also. Reach out to me if you need some support. I'm here!
i know what you mean. i thought if i wasn't at home and i didn't have the temptation to eat the crap my mother got at the store id be okay. if its not there for me to eat i won't eat it and i will certainly NOT go out of my way to get it. although my roommate has a different opinion on the matter. in turn we have junk food. i try not to eat it but i cannot help myself. after i saw i gained a little weight i thought to myself okay no i am not gunna let food run my life.
this is what i do: i sit for 10 min listening to upbeat music, put my sneakers on, my workout attire, and then i grab my ipod and keys and walk to the gym, still listening to upbeat music. i do a routine. i walk back and i feel better. this routine has worked for me. i don't know how your school does it with the gym and all and if you feel like it will work try it. it works for me.
hope your day goes well...if not we are all here for you<3