Nowhere to go from here but UP

i used to think that i had a lot of problems and stresses in life worth complaining about. now i have this cancer, HL,and it's turned my world upside down.
today, i finally got through the bone marrow biopsy i had been nervously anticipating for several days prior. no sleep the night before. i was thinkin "i don't wanna!". but i knew i'd no choice but to. to my surprise, it wasn't nearly as bad as i had feared it would be. well, the pain meds were a big help, but also the medical staff were all so kind and pleasant. i got so much reassurance that they would be a real support to me and that i'd be treated with great care. thank god for compassionate people. my worry of coming there for treatment next week has pretty much diminished. i'm ready to get my health and life back. i've already begun to heal my heart and mind. i'm getting my priorities straight (because of this cancer!)all those little things i thought were so terrible, no longer bring me down...;)

Welcome to these boards! Congratulations on getting through the bone marrow biopsy, for many people the anticipation of this procedure alone is unbearable. That you found it to be not nearly as bad as imagined has clearly proven inspirational (" my worry of coming there for treatment next week has pretty much diminished") and I hope you can continue to ride this wave.
