Hi! I am Kate, I am 58 and I have had OCD since I was a small child. I have also had unresponsive hypertension for almost as long. That means that my severe high blood pressure doesn't respond to traditional treatment. I have learned over the years how to live with OCD and I have taken Paxil for a very long time and it has proven to help. My problem is the high blood pressure which I associate with the OCD. I have experienced MANY TIA's (small strokes) but recently, I had the real thing. I had a stroke in my brain stem. My life depends on finding answers and soon! Has anyone ever heard of this or have any ideas? Info and prayers are so welcomed and appreciated. Kate
pls if ne1 interested in helping me by filling the questionairres to help our friends mail me @ [email protected] pls pls...i want ur help..ur data ould be kept confidential..i jus want to help the ocd people of our community..pls pls i need help to help others
through the questionairre u can get the idea about how severe is ur ocd.. and if u need help and want to talk to ur families u can refer to the scores of the questionairre..its a standardized psychometric tool dat is used to screen out the severity of OCD people and their problematic areas and then we plan a therapeutic programme for the individual suffering from ocd.