ok heres some of what i deal with, and am currently going thru, i have smoked weed for 20+ years, i love it in every way, the way it smells the way it tastes (better than ciggarettes), the relaxation it brings me, but being a christian for 20 years, God has always convicted me of this, so for 20 years, ive fought the whole thing of smoking cause i enjoy it, and feeling guilty about it the whole time, to wanting to quit for Him, but yet after a couple weeks of that im serving the weed again along with all the conviction, its a nasty vicious cycle im getting very tired and frustrated with, but still have no idea of a way out, help please if you are able, THANKS.
3 Hearts
Join a small bible study group.
1 Heart
That's what I did. Having someone to come over, or meet with them to discuss and study christ teachings is slowly helping me with my flaws. And sharing each others trial and errors, and giving each others perspective.
1 Heart
@McFuzzlepants it’s like a support group
Slowly, I'm in a similar jam like you. I also enjoy Ganja, but Im also a christian. And I also have that guilty feeling. WHY??????