Ok, need everyone's opinion. I have just (finally!) had a sh

Ok, need everyone's opinion. I have just (finally!) had a shave biopsy of a spot on my shoulder they believe to be a BC (fingers crossed that it is that and not melanoma) and I have another spot THEY decided I didn't need a biopsy of. I am a little bothered by that, as why not do both to be certain? If they are almost positive one is cancerous, why not get both out of the way? I asked them to do both, they said to try a cortisone cream first, may just be an irritation. I believe you will all agree that we all know our bodies well enough to know if something has changed and whether it would be from a simple "irritation". I am debating on demanding they biopsy when I go back in 2 weeks for the results of the first one, especially if they confirm BC. Thoughts?

I would ask for both to be done, why worry about this for weeks longer. If they won't do it I would suggest finding a new doctor, I just had a mole removed a year after I was concerned it should be removed. I should have demanded it be done, but I deferred to the doctor. It turned out not to be cancer, but for a full year I stared at that thing convinced it was growing and could be cancer. Hugs!

Hi Everyone
I am wondering about anyone's experience with MOH's surgery
I started with diagnosis of Basel cell and had general surgery. During this time I was diagnosed with breast cancer had lympectomy surgery and a second surgery. Just diagnosed with squamous cell and anxious about another surgery. Trying to decide what to do. Any feedback would be helpful