Okay, today I overate, 2000 kcal in one shot, but my binge n

Okay, today I overate, 2000 kcal in one shot, but my binge number over the months dropped, in January I binged 14 times, February 6 times, and this month until now today is 3rd time, so not feeling very guilty :) Do you guys counting overeating as binge eating?

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hi - wow congrats on your numbers! very impressive. it never even dawned on me to count up how many times in a month! i am so ashamed and guilty feeling because i do it every night 3-7 times. but only 2 times last night!!!! yea!! gettin better! do you purge or just binge, or do both? iam starting therapy that deals exclusively in eating disorders. its time, its causing me health problems... need to face things and start to work at recovery. i never counted calories either, just made it as fattening as i could it was like i was someone else controlling what foods i gorged on, like i was on the outside looking at another person that was so alien, not me. deep down i knew,, thats when the shame and guilt and disgust kicked in. i hope u continue doing so wonderful, be proud of yourself, thats a big difference, also you are not beating yourself up for it, the last thing u need to do. we are our harshest critics.. well ive gone on enough sorry lol lol hope you stay positive and and think about what you have accomplished,, not what you have not accomplished. smile

@jodimoms Thank you! Well, today I’ve binged again so 4th time, but second time guilt free :slight_smile: I understand you, me too especially in earlier times I’ve binged a lot of times on a day …
I’m just binging, I always was afraid to bring myself to purge, better living through even that I can’t move afterwards…
Glad for you, that you searching ways to fight with it, and don’t give up until you’ll find a tip/tips that’ll work for you! I wish you luck :slight_smile:
Usually I’m not counting calories, just very rarely for the interrest like yesterday, because personally I’m feeling constrained and in the end binging more, but for some people it really helps, so every method is worth to try :slight_smile:
Thank you for your inspiring words :slight_smile: I wish you too to start love yourself, that’s what I’m trying to do, even after binge I’m saying good words to me in front of mirror so try it too! :slight_smile:

hi there, so nice to hear from you, thankyou for your input! what better way to get the best advice, but from a fellow sufferer.... i will try to lookin the mirror and say good things!!! it will be tough though, its nice to talk with someone about it, its a first for me.... are you a normal weight? iam very over weight, doctors said its quite common to be overweight when you r a binge/binge purger??? i have to find a way to re direct myself, and give my self credit for some of the things i do right.. not just focus on the negative things! well enough doom and gloom lol lol you take care, thanks once again, sincerely, jodi

That's the very true, because those who haven't faced the same problem very rarely understands and reconsiders big problem as a big problem :) Try everything as much as you can and colect those useful tips to prevent binging, I offer you to watch this video if you have free time because it explains a lot of things about binging http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFuOEA0oKWY
Not overweight but becamed chubby because of binging (it's a year now). Don't worry it's very good that you searching for help, that's a huge step, and as time goes by you'll overcome this disorder, I believe in you :) Thank you too :)