HI everyone, I suffer from attacks from time to time...but there are certain triggers.My biggest fear is my husbands threat of drinking.Years back I missed the red flags of alcoholism, with him and his family, I was young and didnt have much exposure as my parents rarely drank because of their childhoods.It was a year ago this past December , for the first time in an 11 year marriage my husband left the house in a huff, and returned two hours DRUNK, LIKE COULDN'T TALK...RIDICOULUS.., our three children witnessed this first hand..it has left everlasting damage and nightmares for me and them, I become overwhelmed at the thought of it when he even mentions stopping at the bar.I told him no holds barred this was a one time thing..I meant it. Now, that the summer is approaching quickly he's made mention of it..even as a joke..i just can't take it lightly. I have little support to deal with this with him as, his immediate family are alcoholics and approve of it, and critize me for my feelings. My mom and i are very close and we discuss it.if he were to do it again, hes done no second chances, its about me and my kids ..I'll make it i have a job and my mom and children for positive influence.Any advice or similar stituations????
i dont blame you because i came from a family of alcoholics and when my husband and i got married we agreed that we wouldnt drink because i didnt want to live the life i lived as a child. also it is hard on the children having to see that. i know this because i was a child once that went through it. it was scary for me. i support you and what you say and think you are thinking very smartly. i wish you the best of luck and i am here if you need to talk.
I am 4 days sober and I can tell you it isn't the easiest thing I have ever done. My mother and grandfather were alcoholics and my grandfather actually died from it. I have a wonderful marriage, career, and 3 beautiful daughters. I would drink daily, but never drank and drove, always after errands events and sports were done for the day, didn't get drunk, usually wine was my choice, and wasn't nasty to my family. But as I am getting older (almost 34) I am wanting to be healthier and my husband mentioned it to me as well. I am hoping my first time is successful but if not I know my family will 100% support me and uplift me. My husband is my rock and has definitely held his vows for better or worse, because I quit smoking 51 days ago and the first couple of weeks I was a complete bear! He stood by my side! Meant the world to me because I would have done the same for him.
If your husband is abusive and damaging your children I definitely see where you are coming from. My mom was a drunk and so were her 5 husbands. I witnessed more than anyone ever should as a child. I wish I had someone to protect me from that.
I do not know how I become who I am, the drinking never made me who I am. I have strong faith and regardless of my drinking I have been a wonderful mother.
Best of luck to you and I hope you make the best decision you can!!
the vibes i am picking up from you is that you and your children witnessed more then him not being able to talk. its ok if you dont want to go into it. if there is abuse or something there that isnt right then i agree with you because it can get out of control. i wish you the best and im sure you know in your heart whats right for you and your children. as mothers we have that instinct. the good lord blessed us with that. :)