On your own. Lonely. Until there are no more words to descri

On your own. Lonely. Until there are no more words to describe the feeling inside.
You want to vent your anger against people around you, but no words coming out of your mouth.
Keep everything in your heart and finally undermined yourself.
You realize well that you don't hate your life. You are just confused about reasons why there are things that happen and there are things that do not happen anyway.
And when you want to discuss it with other people, they said: "you just think too much."
Well, cry. Just cry and cry until there are no tears.

Hi Amanda,

Was this meant as a poem? I think it is lovely and I know how you feel. I know that I myself, really think and overthink things when I am in a relationship. It's really hard not to sometimes though, I completely understand. However, we can't give up on finding love.

Stay strong,

Hi K.G.
Uhmm, I didn't mean to write a poem though. But, it's okay if it sounds like that.
Well, thank you for your empathy. Yeah, but I mean in any kind of relationship, it's really hard to open yourself and be just as the way you are. People are difficult to accept that. Reality, I mean.