One day

I hope to get revenge on the people that caused me alot of this anger the one who raped me and the one who almost gave my mom a heart attack I want to make them pay so badly I know it isnt right but I feel it will make me feel better once I avenge myself and my mom. Some say revenge is sweet now I seem to agree. Some day I hope to get back at them even harder.

Meathead2, I am so very sorry for what you and your mother went through and for how you are feeling. I can understand why you are feeling so frustrated and upset. Though, please know that those people will pay for what they did and it's called karma. Focus on yourself and moving forward to a good positive place. Please know that we are here for you.

I know you are here for me and I appreciate it. I am here for you too and almost everybody on this site. I just wish these people would go somewhere far far away where I will never have to look at them again.

Revenge will do you no Good, Listen to yourself.... You are consuming your valuable life to hated, revenge is not sweet, it will only lead you down the same road as those who Harmed you... Let Justice do it Job, Rise above the garbage and don't allow yourself to evil. There are times that vengful thinking can and will also harm the harmless, and cloud your mind.

Let revenge go, Its not a good friend to keep.

I shouldve had the power to see it coming. I will not make the same mistake again. And if I dont avenge me or my mother I hope someone or something else will make them pay.

Not for you do do my friend....

get that resentment out of your heart, In the long run, it can build and build and really become an issue in the future.....
just keep talking it out, but don't ever let resentment or vengance cloud your thinking.

Be an eagle, and rise above it.....

Well I hope they regret what they did and it comes back to them.

Meathead, I totally and completely agree with Ron in regard to letting that resentment go. I know that it's not easy, but it will take a huge weight off of you and you will feel so much better in the long-run.

Is there any types of medication for those thoughts?

Even if you get revenge, wherever you go the anger will still be with you and you will just create bigger problems for yourself. Don't let these bastards win by taking more energy out of you. YOU will win by putting it behind you. Do the work and get it out of your system.

Its not just that Jenny its also because people are so fooled by them they are wolves in sheeps clothing.

Great point Jenny and such a good point for all of us; this anger and energy will stay with you if you allow it to do so. And by doing so, they win.

Thank you so much. It’s a mantra I have to repeat over and over.

Absolutely! I will keep repeating it as unhealthy to hold onto negative feelings and emotions.

Hi, I can understand what you are feeling. When I was 16 my friend who lived next door to me gave me a ride to pick up my check where I worked. We took some back roads home, cool. We went riding a lot living in the country. He pulled off on a trail, took out a knife and tried to rape me.

So many people were questioning me on if it really happened because he was such a good guy, his Dad went so far as to tell MY Dad, "Well, boys will be boys you know".

I was angry, so angry. And I was ashamed, embarrassed, it was awful. I lived in a small town where everyone knew everyone which meant everyone knew what happened by the end of the night.

In the end he entered a plea bargain and had to go to counseling and a permanent retraining order was put in force that he was not allowed within 150 feet of me. Difficult living next door to eachother, going to the same school but accommodations were made.

I guess what my long winded response boils down to is that I have been there. I've felt that helplessness, fear and resounding feeling of why me and yes, hatred. But I urge you to let it go. The anger will consume you until you are only filled with rage and there will not be room for love and compassion.

If you ever want to talk, PM me anytime!

Much thanks Kitty. One day I will probably pm you. But I am sure the thought that something like that happened to you at a younger age then me would cause you to want vengence also I am surprised you dont no offence.

There are more good people than bad. It will take time to trust again. Take time to work on yourself. The anger will only hurt you, no one else. You can talk to your doctor about the anxiety. There's medication you can take to help you relax. Exercise will also help, plus anger release classes.

Well Jenny I am in a anger management class but not for court reasons for my own.

The medication you seek is call "Forgiveness" Regardless of what has been done, you can have the power to forgive anyone that has done something to you, regardless of what it may be...... It's not easy, I know. But when you can forgive someone who has Done you great harm, you are in truth setting yourself free from a great deal of Pain, anger, resentment, Vengeful thoughts and you can TRULY move forward in your life.

Medications will only cloud your mind, and mask what you truly feel, but they wont take away what you feel...

What about anti-depressents?