Hi Meathead2, if your doctor prescribed anti depressants and feel that they are most helpful in your case, then that's a good route for you.
Meathead, am sorry that you feel thisp ain so strong with in you but the best thing to do is make sure that no one else has to suffer the pain you and so many others feel. we need to help each other get through these bad feeling by keeping positive. I know some times its hard to do when you are angry but do something that makes you smile/ laughter to get you out of the dark spot. keep your head up.
I do but the thoughts keep coming back I mean I know I cant forget them no matter what but I dont want them to effect me even on a bad day.
Meathead2, just checking in to see how you are doing and how things are progressing. Hope all is well.
Puppydoglvr things are mostly good although I have alot of past thoughts that are bad ones that I am trying to get rid of or get rid of the people who caused it.