Onece a week

*an inside to my life
I can't handle anything
so they gave me a small white pill
yes it was white
but to me it looks black
i pop it in my mouth
they make sure i swallow
make sure i'm not hiding it
they wait an hour, so i can't
throw it up

3 hours into the meds . . .
my mind is wrapped in
white velvet
seeping into the cracks of my
pushing any reason or thought out
they place me in a room with a table
two men come in and sit me in a small white chair
they strap me down to the table with metal

I've been sitting here for two hours now
they're waiting for a reaction
they're waiting for me to crack
i play a piano with my fingers
i know all the words to their sick game
i sing them, i scream them
they watch through the mirror
i feel a tingling in my arms
they begin to shake
i swear they are going to shake right out of the cuffs

my whole body is cunvulsing
i'm hanging from my wrists cuffed to the table
my knees curled beneath me
they've been trying to ask me questions
i can't answer

"Are you in pain?"


"Do you need assistance?"


"Let's just let her get through this. . . "

My wrists are red and there are cuts from shaking
it;s almost gone
but i still shutter
tears pour without the act of crying
the door opens
the chemical smell seeps in
i feel them grab my head to tip it
they stick the needle into my neck
i go limp and they put my back into my chair

i have cold metal on my chest and my head
i'm staring at a screen
they ask me questions
all i do is scream
they shock me
just enough to rattle my insides
and my heart

in a white cloak
blood stains my mouth and nose
i've been shocked thirty-two times

time to go home
they cleaned me up like nothing happened
she doesn't get told anything other than i had a
violent reaction

in the car
she tries to make conversation
i can't talk
she cries
i can't tell her what happened
i don't exactly remember
and i won't . . .

until it happens again next week

Crimson-Regret, oh my goodness, your words and experience are surreal. I am so very sorry for what they have been putting you through. Would you mind my asking why you are receiving such intensive shock therapy/treatment?

Please know that we are here for you and here to help you in any way that we can.

they think it will help show them if the reaction is serious enough that i need to be taken off a medication. and they think that i am not coperating and i need punishment. it sucks and it doesn't help

I am so sorry that you are being treated this way, is your family supporting this treatment and do they know what they are putting you through? Please know that I am here for you and here to help you as much as I can. You are in my thoughts and prayers.