These are some of the sample guys I have taken from the dating website.
The Invader
Ever strike up a convo with a guy on a dating website and they seem nice at first, you're getting on grand. Next thing he wants your facebook page and you're phone number...calm down, we've been talking for 20 mins...he wants you to email him the next day at work???
Is this guy so afraid that either one of you will dissolve that he has to be in contact with you every hour.
What amazes me even more is if you give in to the demands...a week of constant texts...and then will follow a deafening silence, with you thinking what the hell???
The Sleeze
(as puppy pointed out in a recent post) The guy who pretends he's interested in a relationship, but then constantly tries to talk about sex. This guy has one thing on his mind...don't be fooled.
The Player
The seemingly nice guy who is making out that ye have some kind of "chemistry", even jokes about a future and kids together, and then tells you he is dating someone that he just met from the site...but then continues to talk to you...hummmm???...gut says run :)
Although this sounds very negative, there are really nice guys in the mix too, you just have to be true to yourself...
If you're gut is questioning something about them, either walk away or ask them a direct question...if they deflect the question it's not a good sign...what it says to me is I want to live in the happy world of online dating and chatting to you, but I am not taking these conversations seriously enough to answer that question.
Don't worry, even if you think you are talking to the great guy in the world and he turns out not to be, there are another 20 guys on the site waiting to talk to you.
If someone is making you uncomfortable by what they are saying do not be afraid to say wouldn't take any crap in real life, why should you online. Just politely say I'm not really comfortable talking about that, if they are a gent they will move on to a different topic.
So all ye online love seekers
Keep smiling
Love to ye
Moongal x