
Wow.. i'm so happy i found this website. Its good to know i'm not alone in my struggle to overcome personal problems and issues.I plan on seeing a therapist very soon to get help but i don't feel quite ready yet.. so joining an online support group seemed like a logical first step. :)

Growing up i was a pretty sheltered child, i spent most of my free time playing sports and doing activities with my mother. I considered her my best friend and we did everything together. Even through highschool, i was very shy and didn't have very many friends but my mother was enough for me and i thought the world of her. I have one sister and we have always been pretty close too.

When i left for college things changed a lot. I started to grow up and learn the ways of the world. Its not all sunshine and rainbows, people can be deceptive and break your trust. My relationship with my mother began to weaken because we could not relate to each other as much. I was partying and having a good time and i no longer wanted to go to the grocery store with her or sit and read books for hours. At the beginning of the summer of my sophomore year of college my relationship with my mother completely crumbled. Her and my father decided to divorce on the grounds that he was an alcoholic and was not willing to admit it. I have never thought that my father had a drinking problem, he does not wake up in the morning and pour liquor in his coffee. He has a few drinks after work most days but to me thats not a problem he is a good man and he has always worked extremely hard to provide for his family.
I was stuck in the middle of their divorce, i would go from one house to another and listen to them rant about each other. My mother and i would have horrible fights because i took my father's side.
My relationship with my mother eventually completely crumbled, she basically disowned me and told me to go live with my father. We did not speak or have any type of contact for about 7 or 8 months. I lived with my dad and his girlfriend and they both were there for me when i needed someone the most.

Towards the beginning of this whole divorce mess i also developed orthorexia. Its hard to see that you have a problem and some days i still go back and forth in my mind over whether or not i really have a problem or if this is an actual condition. My intuition tells me that something has to change though and that i can lead a better life. Orthorexia is a disorder in which one obsessively exercises in a patterned routine and controls what they eat but not in order to lose weight. It is a form of OCD.
Perhaps i developed orthorexia when i felt as though i lost control of my life as a way to cope and gain some sort of stability.

After 6 months of silence my mother and i began to repair our relationship. Its been about a year and a half and I have just now begun to realize the effect all of this has had on me. I developed bad social anxiety and depression which i was taking zoloft for, however it made things worse so i was actually switched to adderall. It has helped me immensely, i feel much more self confident and willing to be around and meet new people.

When my mother disowned me i felt bad about myself, i started to hate myself and think that i wasn't good enough to have friends or even be happy. Our relationship is stable at the moment but we will never be extremely close like we used to be. I have changed and so has she, we are different people and i always have the feeling that at any moment she could hurt me again.
I like to compare my mother to the wife from the movie American Beauty. On the outside she tries to act perfect, like the sun never stops shining. But she lives in her own self involved delusional world in which she comes before everyone else. And she only cares to involve others in her life when she can gain some sort of benefit.
She will do something nice one minute and then the next she will stab me in the back. My sister has a good relationship with my mother and she just doesn't understand how my mother and I can't be together all the time.
My mother broke up with her boyfriend Jack and moved into a new apartment 2 days ago. I took a big step and contacted my mother to ask her if she needed help moving. I did not stay the night at her apartment but i felt good about myself knowing i did something nice for her. My mother's ex boyfriend was home while we were moving her things out and he kept saying inappropriate things to me like "your mother is quick to turn on people i see where you are coming from now: and "you got the boot last year guess its my turn now." At first i just felt extremely hurt but then i realized he was the one hurting and he was just trying to look for a way to deal with his pain.

Last night my sister and i got in a huge fight because she doesn't understand how my mother and i can't have a close relationship. She was so excited my mother was getting a new place and couldn't wait to be over there all the time. But i don't feel the same way, I still want to keep my distance I want to have a relationship with my mother but i will never let her fully in again.
My sister said so many hurtful things to me, and i have really never felt so low, i cried for hours. She brought up my orthorexia and other issues and just really managed to crush me into the ground. But this morning when i woke up and thought about it i realized that she was just trying to push my buttons because she was upset.

I am and probably always will be an emotional person. I take what people say to heart and that will never change. I'm struggling but i realize that other people are too and as long as i keep an open mind and try to do the best i can the sun will rise and set another day. If you have any advice, words of wisdom, or comments they are much appreciated. Thanks!

Wanted to add to my entry: I'm not sure if orthorexia is considered a type of OCD or eating disorder? Or maybe its both.. I just know i have obsessive thoughts everyday about eating the same healthy things and exercising in the same routine everyday. They don't go away until i carry out my routine. Does anyone else have any experience with this?

Okay, it’s been a while since I posted… :slight_smile:

I must say that I definitely related to the parts about having been in a “sheltered world” (at least it was sheltered in my mind), coming to find that the world “isn’t all sunshines and rainbows”, really upset me, and still can upset me to this day. It’s interesting to me as this may be a component of the “illness”… It makes sense, with orthorexia, I wanted to “purify” myself from the outside “dirty” world (and still do to various degrees!) not recognizing the dirt in myself, I guess… :wink: ).
Your mother reminds me of my mother and I would say that, I have had to come into forgiveness of my mother… My father was an alcoholic and my mother was an adult child of an alcoholic (this, she let me know many, many years later) and she acts like an alcoholic herself, well she actually is “full blown” now (hence the whole self absorption/narcissism thing, with or without the drink, it’s possible. she’s also a victim of sexual abuse)… If you want my unsolicited advice (sorry, you did ask for some advice), I would recommend AlAnon for you and/ or your mother, this is what helped me tremendously with my orthorexia, that, and family counseling (if they’d actually be willing)… Also, Adult Children of Alcoholics is a nice group (but, I believe, can cause emotional difficulties for me when I do not balance it with AlAnon. Too much talking about the past for me, I can get stuck in it).
They always say that it’s “not about the food”, it’s emotional, it’s an emotional illness… So, in response to your OCD post/ question, in my case I had a severe anxiety disorder (it’s my belief that it’s normal for the brain to act all nervous/spazzy/obsessive if it’s not at a healthy weight determined by a nutritionist), this had to be treated with the med Seroquel at a low dose in cooperation with therapy. My cure came in doing whatever the medical doctors said (another saying is “my best thinking got me here”). I had an awesome support team! The only downside was that they didn’t realize that I was orthorexic, and talked to me as though I was anorexic, which made, for me, forming realistic and healthy ideas about food a little bit difficult as they weren’t addressing my concerns… Therefore, irregardless of whether it looks like I’m functioning on the outside, my thinking hasn’t changed. I believe it’s kinda like what they say about alcoholism: “once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic” (and you must always hang tight to others in recovery in order to change unhealthy thoughts). I would like to create a support group for Orthorexia on the phone, however, I don’t know if we’re “allowed” to ever make it a formal group with any material as orthorexia is not yet recognized by the DSM at this time.

Thanks, and all the world of support to you!

I appreciate you sharing your story, although my story is a bit different I share the same struggles that you do. I will only eat food which I think are healthy and I follow the same strict exercise routine everyday. It has taken control of my life and the way I live. I often feel alone in my struggle and that no one understands, but I am sure you know how I feel. I have been struggling for close to two years now. I began with trying to take control of something in my life, but I took things to far. I just wanted to thank you for creating your post and letting me know I am not alone.

This sounds like it could be an eating disorder, if you need any help or want to talk to me more about it I am very willing. I have had an eating disorder for about 8-9 years now. I would love to help

You are definitely not alone! I know exactly how you feel and i'm glad you had the courage to come forward! If you ever want to talk send me a message, it would be nice to talk with someone who is dealing with this too.

WOW I can completely relate- I've been diagnosed with OCD and anorexia nervosa for 9 years now and I've been in and out of treatment centers but I have a hard time relating to other anorexics because mine is not about trying to lose weight- I hate losing weight but it inevitably happens because all of my rigid mealplanning stresses me out so much that it becomes easier to just not eat- but anyways currently I am eating a good amount of calories- although the weight seems to be coming on too slowly- but I'm still extremely rigid with my food and obsessed with being healthy- I eat the exact same thing three times a day at 8:30, 1:30, and 6:30 and can't even fathom ever eating anything else at any other time- I also used to be an overexcersiser but now I just do a half hour of yoga right when I wake up but I'm very rigid with that as well- I do a very specific routine and can't fathom ever not doing it one morning- anyways thank you for sharing because now I'm going to go look up this orthorexia thing!

Hi there you guys!

I just came on this support group and saw these posts, wish I'd've known this group existed before!
I am orthorexic, and have been through treatment at a clinic which took my health insurance and am doing much much better... I had almost died, I was at a very low weight and was so obsessed with what I needed to eat and on what everyone else was eating. I still believe people are crazy for eating what they eat, which makes me crazy as well! The obsessive nature of my illness backed off once I became a normal body weight at the ED clinic and got back out into the world.
I think that my orthorexia had some component of exercise to it, but mine mostly stemmed out of trying to "cure" myself of a health condition that doctors know little about. Overexercising can be tacked on to any condition but I must stress that this is not necessarily a component in relation to orthorexia. Each case is unique. I later realized part of my illness was motivated to try and control my rather disordered eating that I had as a child (I had eaten everything!)
Um, at any rate... I definitely related to everything said and I will try and post more in a bit...

Hi hun,

I do have an eating disorder, I have had one for 8 years. I think that if you don't focus on losing weight and you are not concerned with your body image then it isn't an eating disoder, but definitely a problem with OCD. The fact that you need a sort of schedule or routine in order to carry out your day is more of an OCD. For me, no matter how much I work out or how little I eat, food and weight are always on my mind. Working out doesn't give me the satisfaction for the day, working out five times won't give me satisfaction either. I think you have a severe OCD and I am so willing to help you get through it. I have never heard of orthorexia and I think from how you describe it, that is exactly what you have. I wish you the best and if you find yourself thinking that it could be an eating disorder I can help you a lot.

I hope this helped you!

You are right, an OCD exercise routine is not orthorexia... I had been thinking about posting yesterday that I should post components of orthorexia. Exercise can go along with orthorexia just as much as it can anorexia and the two have nothing to do with each other.
I have orthorexia and I have absolutely NO component of exercise, each case is unique, for me exercise has always been nonexistent, for the most part. An exercise routine is not, as I am aware, orthorexia.
To me,orthorexia is an eating disorder, it's considered an off shoot of anorexia where a person only eats food they deem "pure" and "holy", this was and still can be me, I was a hair short of pushing daisies because of this... A lot of people have many different kinds of eating disorders with no focus on weight. I was curious about the woman who posted this message as she did not mention what her symptoms of orthorexia or food focus was. This could be because I read a health article discussing how people believed the "exercise industry" was "possibly creating orthorexia"... Seriously, the exercise industry was the first thing I stayed away from! "All those processed protein powders, disgusting, it was probably made with GMOs and unnatural; all that protein is not natural"... I did yoga, I didn't need to exercise, but sometimes was angry with myself that I couldn't get myself to exercise, really, ever...
I have thought for some time of what an orthorexic and anorexic comparison may look like, this is some of what I've come up with:
An anorexic is focused on weight and calories and an orthorexic is focused on digestion and food purity; both are highly afraid of their food fear of choice. Both are focused on food
Anorexics generally have a hard time reading magazines about the latest diets for losing weight and seeing really super thin models without being triggered to want to do this and be this way and orthorexics are triggered by seeing magazines about the latest "new age health craze" and by seeing people who look like they are glowing with health as a result of eating only the healthiest strawberries want to try the latest diet and cleanse.
An orthorexics version of "purging" can take the form of physical cleanses as they want to get the toxins out of their system from their last poor, toxic food choices.
Orthorexia has yet to be put in the DSM as they are still gathering information on it and they need a larger sample group (they say that most orthorexics do no recover as they believe that they are healthy! (even when they are light years below weight- they believe it's just as healthy as being at a normal weight, they've possibly read about breatharianism or other unique "diets/ways of eating"...).

The main website for orthorexia is orthorexia.com, written by Steven Bratman, a doctor who saw a prevalence of orthorexia. Please do not believe orthorexia is as simple as an OCD, I know it may have been misrepresented with what you just read, but this may not have been the whole of her disorder. Their is so much misinformation out there, because the eating disorder is so "new", we're trying to figure it out! Each person's version is unique. I pray American Beauty comes on here because I would like to know her version of this disorder... I've yet to meet anyone else who can identify with me on this in program. They say most orthorexics are untreated because they believe they are healthy, if you see a woman having a nervous breakdown in the health food cereal aisle, staying there for half an hour and almost collapsing in the aisle, she may be orthorexic!