I have a friend of mine that I’ve been friends with for over year, 8 months ago I told her that I liked her, however, she didn’t reciprocate and as result I didn’t hang out with her much I felt like a shitty friend as a result of my actions. A few weeks ago I told her this and she responded well. I told her that I didn’t want to speak about it again and make it a defining feature of our friendship, however, I brought it up again, then again just last week. She’s now acting more distant and apprehensive then she had previously been. Me and her are suppose to go and hang out this week for the first time in 7 months, she still has agreed to hang out with me, however, I feel like she is doing that just to be nice to me and not hurt my feelings. I messed up I don’t want to be a bad friend to her and my immediate reaction is to tell her I’m sorry for acting a certain way about her. She’s in a relationship and yet my anxiety would get the best of me and I would keep bringing this up, overstepping her boundaries and not keeping promises, as a result, she’s more apprehensive with me. She’s my only friend and I messed up. I want to tell her I’m sorry about everything but I know that I shouldn’t. I’m not entirely looking forward to hanging out with her this week. I wish I could’ve kept my word and didn’t let my emotions get the best of me. She mentioned in her past how men she didn’t reciprocate with caused her trauma, I wanted to be better then that, I guess I’m not. I suppose I’ll say it here because she won’t see it: I’m sorry for being a bad friend and like all those other men that treated you bad for not reciprocating
You’re not a bad friend for confessing your feelings to her. You didn’t know what to expect, so don’t shame yourself for not knowing better. Maybe you should give her some space and time to just be with herself - if she wants to keep in touch with you, she’ll let you know.
People mess up with friends all the time. Then they apologize, clean up the mess, and generally life goes on - until the next mess-up You could try something really old-school: send your friend an “I’m sorry” or “Please forgive me” card in the mail. That’s where you put the actual card in an actual envelope … OK, I’m sure you know the drill. This will all blow over.
Your not a bad friend for sharing you feelings . She probably just feels a little awkward and maybe not into a relationship at the moment , In a similar situation had friends which are suddenly keeping distant .
That’s the thing she wasn’t keeping distant at all. Until I referenced the conversation we had a couple weeks ago, this week, between this weeks reference and the first time I brought it up things were relatively normal, but now she is being distant unfortunately and I understand why, it just makes me sad