i was wondering if any one is going thru the same i'm going thru i have reall bad mood swings for a long time i dont know how to control i'm even on mood stabilizers
Hi Jenneister, have you talked to your doctor about the severity of these mood swings? Maybe there is something else that will work better for you.
I have bi polar disorder to, just wanted to share that im going through the same exact thing, and im happy that you shared this. I cant control my mood either, Im either really up , or really down. And it sucks, but you have to have ALOT of self control, and im still learning how to do that, but if i ever figure out how to completly control it, ill definetly message you.
xoxo, bri
thanks brianna i just dont how to handle it
Hi I study nutritional healing and Naturopathy. Thankyou for sharing I think I can be of some help to you. I'm sure you've heard about getting essential fatty acids in your diets. Such as flaxseed oil, salmon or primrose oils. These oils are essential in normal brain function and are lacking in the American diet. Drink hemp milk I buy the Tempt chocolate hemp its delicious and it has Omega3 Omega6 EFA required for living! Get plenty of foods from the rainbow foods so you wont be lacking in vitamins especially the B, B6, B12 folic acid and zinc. Make sure your getting your days worth of calcium and magnesium. Never skip meals keep your sugar levels balanced. Get vitamin D daily for a mood booster get the sun in your eyes for 15 minutes each day and some exercise this is crucial and vital. Eat 50 % raw foods in your diet. Herbs such as siberian ginseng and ginger and st. johns wart benefit moods as well. Before you begin check with your doctor and praying to the Spiritual doctor for healing and direction always helps. Prayer heals...
where would i find some of this stuff at if u can please tell me.
Sure for starters your grocery store should have fresh Organic produce start . If you have a blender you can start whipping up some delisciuos raw smoothies! I have a great recipe for one I use pineapple ,spinach,basil,lemon juice,stevia and ice with a little water I sometimes throw in a few frozen mangos. Its so healthy for you. Start curbing processed sugars use stevia and raw agave nectar. You can find these at trader joes whole foods and even walmart has agave nectar. Any vitamin shop will carry omegas and flax oil. Start having wild alaskan salmon too its great for moods. Start drinking herbal teas Yogi make great ones fir womens moods, cycle etc. Also look up traditional,medicines tea very healthyherbs. Have any other questions let me know Im a healer... God Bless
try finding activities that you really enjoy that are free and legal that keep you happy or at best muted.
these mood changes might be extremely difficult to cope with without proper medication and cognitive behavioral theorapy. You can learn to manage this painful disorder, I promise. It will take time and HOPE
Everyone's struggle is different. Cognitive therapy didn't work for me but a good anti-depressant (effixor) and mood stabilizer (depakoate) works for me. Definitely keep in touch with your doctor...he may need to make changes in the strengths or try different meds.. It took 3-4 meds to get the mix I have right now...just take one day at a time
What kind are you on..I take Lamictol and I'm doing pretty good..but I need to go up cause I become manic more again and that's not a good thing...
Hi Jenneister,
hey my name is heather i have bipolar, borderline personality, and depression. i have alot of mood swings it drives me crazy. i have been looking up stuff to see how i can deal with it. i have been making a daily list to help me get throught the days. one day at a time for me helps alot. i go for walks i listen to mucis their is alot of things u can do to help with ur mood swings. their is books u can find informations if u want to.
as someone who has also been diagnosed with bipolar I can most def relate to your problem. I have been medicated and even on medication I still have severe mood swings that make me not even want to get out of bed some days and other days being so overly excitable that i am practically jumping out of my skin. The only advice that I have really is that when I feel the most stable is when I am staying very active and keeping myself occupied so my mind doesn't consume itself. I hope that you can also find an activity that keeps you occupied and keeps you a bit more stable.
I can totally relate with you, I've been having a lot of problems with my moods lately as well. The only thing I can tell you, is to talk with your doctor. I'm on mood stabilizers as well, and I think it's time for an increase, or a morning noon and night dose. Your mood swings will not cure themselves unfortunately.
I am ..I think I'm gonna need to take my meds. like in morning and night..and go up on my dose...but heck I dont sleep that good either and I need sleep med. too.
hey im on meds for both i also am taking sleeing pills i have a very hard time letting my brain relax at night and when im stree and worried i cant sleep. i have sleeping pills i over sleep with them so i feel like i cant win either way.
Sometimes the side effects to medications is not worth taking the meds at all. Not to discourage but there are natural alternative mood boosters such as 15 minutes of direct sunlight a day, exercise, eating healthy every 2 hours to stabolize blood sugars, herbs such as St.Johns Wart, Same and Omegas such as fish oil and flax oil and seeds, B vitamins, also a diet too low in healthy carbs will deplete serotonin, try omitting wheat products, include 50 % raw fruits and veggies, get adequate sleep, avoid diet sodas and fake sugars use only stevia or agave nectar, avoid foods high in sat fats like french fries and fried foods because they cause poor circulation to the brain, avoid alcohol, caffeine which is a toxin to adrenals and all processed foods! Have a hair analysis to rule out heavy metal intoxication,also have a thyroid test if suffering from being cold low thyroidism can alter moods,also ginger,gingko biloba, licorice root, peppermint is helpful but you must check with your doctor first before taking any herbs because they may interfere with any drug you may be taking. I pray for everyone on this board for health and healing! ~passionette about wellness and Naturopathy
That happened with my daughter and they changed her meeds completely. They said when your on them for a long period of time your body gets used to them and they don't work as well. How long have you been on the same meeds?
i have been on them for over a year and something. its the best med i have had so far. i have been doing alot better on it.
Hopefully they will help you. I have tried so many different meds with her and it so hard when I watch her struggle. I pray that you have support from your family or friends.