Pain Pills

So I used to take about 11-15 pain pills, Sumatriptan and Tramadol.
I still sometimes OD on Sumatriptan.
I take Abilify and Efexor XR.
I have already been to the E.R. for OD and now my body
just wants more pills.
It not only wants more pills it has muscle spasms.
Idk what to do with my depression and my addiction to pain pills.

I know the feeling. when i stop taking the pills my body hurts soo bad but its the depression that makes it so so so hard to stay away. And its also so much harder to hide the withdrawl form my family and friends when i cry all the time and have do desire to get out of bed or do anything!!!

Yeah I will like lay in bed and be really tired.
But when I'm on pills in up and doing more things,
But I know it's killing my body.

Oh, my old friend tramadol; I would take it to stave off the withdrawals when I couldn't get my hands on what I really wanted.
Here is the deal: ultram/ tramadol is given to us addicts by well meaning doctors who do not realize that it IS addictive and there are withdrawal symptoms from it. Niot only that, at even small doses it can cause grand mal siezures. Plus, it has antidepressant proerties in it causing the great level of anxiety while withdrawing from it.
I was an opiate of all kinds user for over 15 years. The is no magic bullet or free pass off the opiate express; withdrawal sucks. Sure, there are things that can be used to ease it a bit but it's the price we pay for abusing pills. It's such a small part of the whole process though. It's when the withdrawal sypmtoms abate that the real work begins.
Hang in there and keep posting. There IS hope.

Hmm, just fell back into the habit, **** it! I can quit! Will power! You can do it!

Its a pain being on and off the pain pills, odd huh? Well addiction sucks on all levels and I think it just messed up my leg again.