My daughter started her chemo (for stage 2A-Bulky Hodgkins) on 6/10/10. She had 6 rounds of chemo followed by 13 radiation treatments. We have yet to receive a clean Pet Scan. The most recent Pet (5/1/11) showed several New areas of activity with the highest SUV of 10. Our doctor is optimistic saying that it is rare for someone who had the treatment my daughter had , to experience this reoccurence. Has this happend to anyone? Another Pet San is scheduled in two months
Hi :-) I don't have experience with this type of cancer or treatment. But, i am also a parent of a child who had cancer. He had stomach cancer and had his entire stomach removed in 2008. So far, his checkups have been clean. One thing that helped me was taking my cue from the doctors, even though i'm not a believer in "believeing everything the doctors say", i think if his doctor was fairly optimistic, i would try to be too. My son has so many health problems, I try to only freak out when the doctors are freaked. i dont always succeed at that, but I try. i don't know if thats helpful. I will be hoping for the very best for both of you.
I had ABVD chemo, which worked first time, then radiotherapy as a mop-up, so I didn't have your daughter's experience. I recall, however, my doctor telling me not to be alarmed if the first treatment didn't work, as he had other bottles on the shelf he could use. I'm sorry to hear she hasn't been sorted the first time, but your doctor's optimism is something to take comfort from.
Wow, I have a similar story to your daughter's. I was diagnosed with HL 2E 06/30/10. I received 12 rounds of ABVD. After my last round I had a PET scan that had a few spots left. After a biopsy declared them negative, I went along my happy lil "cancer-free" life until 04/29/11. When I was told the spots were bigger in another PET scan. Biopsy declares they are positive for HL. At this point we are going for the gusto...B...M...T!!! I will pray that your scans come back more favorable! Until then, keep your heads to the sky!