I found this picture of my godson the one and only picture I have of him, and now I am just sad and lonely cuz I miss him so much, and I just have this anger towards his mom now and I haven't had the best week cuz of how I have been feeling and I just want to self harm so badly right now cuz I am just so sad and angry, I want to feel the relief I get from self harm. I just need some support to get me through this and to get me through the urge to self harm. I could really use anyones support, even of you just say I am sorry for what you are going through or I am here for you or anything like that.
u have a photo and thats better than nothing u can get thru this period that is hard for u to deal with at the moment
keep thinking of all the things u can tell him about the time u were apart and let those angry feelings go after all its not worth the effort of getttin upset over what u cant change sometimes these things happen for a reason and its not for us to know the answers at this moment in time but we do find out eventually
so stay strong and keep moving forward even if its a little step its still a win win situation for u and i know u can move forward to a place u are happy to be its never easy but i have faith in you and the way u have grown
take care of u and do something nice for yourself today
love D
D, thanks for your support and all of your encouragement I really needed it. I don't know how to let go of all the angry feeling I am feeling towards his mom, I wish I could just snap my fingers and all these angry feelings will go away but it just don't work that way. I went and volunteered at the rescue so that was something nice I did for me. I am having trouble finding the faith, and knowing you have faith in me helps me get through this.