Hi, all!
So, I'm back at school, and classes are going pretty well. Definitely busy, but in a good way. And there's lots of theater stuff going on; I'm pretty much plunging right in. :-)
It's all very overwhelming and stressful, though. I mean, I love everything I'm doing, but the work just keeps piling up and I feel like I'm wading through molasses trying to get it done. And it certainly doesn't help to be so depressed I can't even make myself do the work in the first place (at least not until the very last minute, which just adds to the stress).
At any rate, I'm afraid I might be slipping. I've been doing a good job overall, but recently I've started finding ways to cut corners with my meal plan and sometimes flat out restrict. I've also been looking for excuses to get in the extra little bit of exercise that I'm constantly after--an extra walk across campus, talking the long way to class, ... you know the drill.
Today wasn't terrible, but it definitely wasn't good. Heading in the wrong direction. I know I can't afford to slip up; I don't want to get kicked out of school again! At the same time, I just can't bring myself to give it up. I'm clinging on to my ED like my life depended on it (there's a certain amount of irony in that, no?). I don't know how much I can (or am willing to) fight.
I'm going to share about the ED in my acting class on Tuesday. I'm majorly nervous--afraid of being judged and all that. I'm not sure whether I should. I suppose it's not too late to rewrite the whole thing. I don't know. It's too late an hour to give it too much thought before bed. I need SLEEP!
The darn ED is getting in the way of my spiritual life, too. I just feel so ashamed before God when I'm engaging in it, and I feel like there's this block so that I can't talk to Him. It's very frustrating.
In short, ED's just been really kicking my butt lately, and I don't know where it's going to lead. There's always the option of checking in to the school infirmary for a couple of days. Maybe I should do that. I think I'll give it a few more days, first; see what happens. One thing's for sure, though; I need more support than I've got at the moment.
One of the dilemmas, though, is that I need accountability, but I can't give up my privacy (or secrecy). I need someone to eat with me, but I'm too ashamed for people to see me eating. I need someone to help me get groceries, but I'm too stubborn to give up my label-reading sense of control. In other words, I need help, but I'm afraid to ask for it--and afraid of what will happen if I get it.