ok, im not sure where this post would go since it is so general. ugh, oh well, ill try. i picked the groups i thought this would be related to but it isnt related to any particular group persay.
so, for those of u who know me on here, i have fibromyalgia, interstital cystitis, pelvic floor dysfunction, creptis, IBS and migranes. we are also checking me for kidney function to make sur e it is ok.
i am suffering hideosuly on a day to day basis, even thinking on suicide, and wanting to die. recently i got a lil more postitive. i got some help with my bladder issues but the treatment of the people was very nasty to me. i felt ashamed. they will treat me but it will take a long time. so it is awful to wait.
my life is sooo full of despair , ans torture. and now things got worse, i have swollen lymph nodes under my arm. they are painful . i saw my doc last week and he gave me antiobiotics. i thought it would go away with that. it didnt. . i am still in pain and swollen. and now i have to go back to the doctor to see what he can do. i am so scared it is cancer. i have cancer in my family . i dont get why this medicine didnt work. im in so much pain. im scared my doc will hate me cuz i have to much going on.
im such a loser.
im a loser for having a sickly body. people put me down for it and they judge me. when i walk with my cane, people snear at me and look down on me, and give dirty looks. i am so embarrassed . i wanted to iive before, but maybe it was meant for me to die. maybe that is my fate.
i cant imagine having cancer and fibro andc and crepitits, and bladder problems and kidney issues and iBS and migrianes, and everything else i go through that is hell on a daily basis. i cant walk or move well or think or i get dizzy , hair is falling out, my life is a mess.
i was starting to get happy and positive in the last 2 days. and then that goes away. each and every time. tragedy always strikes with me , it never stops. so what is the use of living?
i just wrote this great book and now , ill probably be dead before i can get it published. i have no luck in my life. for someone who is so nice , i have the worst karma ever. my life was meant to be hell.
i was born into it.
i am so embarrrassed to see my doc again, he was kinda looking at me funny the last time i came in. i cant help what is going on. my body is a body from hell, it is horrible, im stuck in a crappy body that doenst work, nothing i can do for that.
please, if someone could comfort me and ease my worries on this swollen lymph nodes, well among other things, id appreciate it. i dont have many friends. and they are busy to talk to now.