I am a recovering alcoholic with mental issues. I am involved with a man who is addicted to crack. This is killing our relationship. He says he hates it but still does it. He told me when we got together that he had kicked this habit but in the past month he has used 4 times. He doesn't want to lose me and I don't want to lose him but I can not be the only one fighting for us. He is the sweestest man when he is not using but when he wants it he turns into a completely different person, he gets mean and nasty towards me. I have no one I can talk to about this so I was hoping you could help me. I feel he has put us in harms way. I want him, I love him so very much but this is killing us, I have trust issues with him and doubt his sincerity. Please help me help us.
i'm so sorry hun. i to in aa recovery. does he go to na or some type of therapy? you can't fix him you know that. you can't go down with him. support him in his recovery but get your butt to a meeting for YOUR survival hun.
Thank you so much for responding…I wish there was more that I could do, he has so much potential and I love him from the bottom of my heart.