Please Help ME.. :-(

Excatly! Haha. No expections to go by, or back handed comments of what you were doing before under their control. Ya still get it from family, but your life!!! And still so tired.

So true! The commentary and opinions will always be there, and that's okay. That's what family is for, right! But, the difference is that we take that advice but do what's best for ourselves in the end :-)

Agreed! *high five* dude or chick, no idea of gender. And now headache kicking in, should not have moved too much.

Chick ;-) And, high-five right back at you. Take care of yourself and your headache. Get lots of rest and relaxation.

Awake! Because on fb. haha. But yes relaxing.

Oh, you got sucked into FB, I know how that goes ;-)

Hello aimeemay,puppydoglvr,
Saw ur conversation.. Good to know abt ur opinion.. N askin to lead our own life on our terms.. But do u think is it really possible.. I mean u stay vit ur parents 4 almost 24 years/.. N when they not agreeing on wat v want how is it possible to go away or rather live life on our own term... Practically not possible guys..

Possible but life has its risks for its choices, people agree or they don't. In your case ya worry about ya parents pure opinion, everything is family based and heavy in tradition, but if it dun feel right to you, you have the right by being human to say, no, i don't want this for me. I'm not happy with this, I want my own life where I don't HAVE to comform to tradtion like everyone else. Its better being your own person then being what family wants you to be, if they think thats happiness, what'll happen when that pressure weighs you until you just give up and refuse to just move?

GirlDepressed, I think that in the end you have you ask what makes you happiest; is it pleasing your parents or yourself? If making your parents unhappy makes you miserable, then will you be happy by being with your love? I understand how difficult it is and I really wish that I could tell you to go one way or the other, but it is your life and I want to make sure that you make the best decision for yourself.

I lived like that for my mother, with all the pain and abuse, to look perfect just for her...even when the sexual abuse began and ended, I lost myself in the former shadow of how I was. I'm still finding it now and it's hard to piece together my mind now, but I'm happy with how the results are going. Dance is fun, but dating is still an issue. Living for family will only lead to your downfall, mentally when holding it in is just eating you alive.

Well well well.. In short leave life on ur own terms... Tats it rite...?? Wat shud i do then when my parents not ready to accept wat i want..
On tat my guy not in contact.. Wat da hell is this life.. :-(.. I'm sorry but i'm too muct in depressed.. I know u guys tellin its better to b where i am happy.. But wat now..??? RUN AWAY 4m here..??? :-( :-(

GirlDepressed, I don't think that you have to take drastic measures and run away, though I think that you can take a stand and tell your parents that you are not marrying this man. Take steps towards making yourself happy and start by talking to your parents about not marrying this man and then ending the engagement if that's what feels best for you. Then, once you have taken care of that, then you can work on your relationship with your love and let him know that you are no longer engaged. Does this sound like something that you can do now? How does it make you feel?

puppydoglvr, I know wat u sayin convince parents n tell them how i feel n all.. U know I'm done vit all tat.. PAst 6 months did every possible thing.. I told them i'm not interested in marriage.. They r like if not this guy next also it vil b some 1 4m our caste only.. But no ways n no chances of da guy i love.. (They basically not interested in intercaste marriage..)
N my guy vil need minimum of 2 - 3 years to settle properly so tat my parents vil b happy.. But my parents r not ready to wait 4 so long.. MAx another 6 months.. SO they r hurryin on this engagement thing..

I hav lost all hopes.. :-(..

Great, the caste system...*sigh* knew it.

GirlDepressed, please don't lose all hope. I really want to help you through this and I wish that I had an easy answer for you. So, you don't think that telling your parents that you don't want to be married now is a possibility? Don't mention your love at all, keep that completely out of the conversation. If you can just let them know that this is not what you want for you life now, then that can help.

Hmm, they want ya to marry for tradition, seems ya not ready for that type of marraige, agreed to last comment, keep love out it. Tell them what ya want now in life, if they keep forcing the marragie idea, well it seems they want to determine your life. Your life girl and no one elses. Live it.

puppydoglvr, U know wats happening..My parents r not ready to accept my guy at all..SOme times i feel da guy whom they hav selected now V know each other well.. SO now if at all i agree i'll b vit some 1 whom i atleast know.. But after few years also if parents oppose my guy then they vil get me marrried to some unknown person whom i'll not b knowin also..
I know u want ot help me.. But i i'm in such confused state of mind where i'm not able to b stable.. Future is unpredictable and i'm not happy with present situation.. I feel i'm not at all daring n simply feel in crap thing called Love.. :-(.. I'm just hating myself 4 loving some1 so much.. :-(

Thank U yenh.. Thank U aimeemay.. N Thanks a lot puppydoglvr..
Thanks 4 all ur patience... :-)..


Thank U all.. Hav a nice Life Ahead.. :-) :-) :-( :-) :-)

This is your life--not your parents'. Do what you want; you have to live with your decisions forever, and they don't. Don't turn your back on love to please other people. It may be hard to go against your parents' wishes, but it's in your best interest. Please tell your love what he means to you, and do your best to mend your relationship. Your happiness is more important than obedience and lame old traditions :)

Best of luck to ya!